Mr. Nobody

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Dom's POV

I can't believe I won against  Shaw. I was so happy he will be in jail for that. When Hobbs told me about the lie detector and Isabella and I jump at the chance to find out more about why my sister did this. 

I listen to what Hobbs was saying and what Isa said. I jump in when I have to. I was shocked, to say the least. I want to ask this again. I couldn't take the fact I am brother-in-law to Owen and Deckard.  

Before Hobbs ends the questions. I jump in without any thought. 

"Is the marriage real "

Isabella said, " OH AGAIN WITH THIS MARRIAGE THING YES IT IS REAL, WE WERE PLANING TO START A FAMILY BEFORE YOU threw OWEN OUT OF the PLANE, to the last one - maybe it depends, now is this over because I would love to get to my husband".

Hobbs look at Dom and said, " Toretto the marriage is real, I got the record of who was there, and who officiant the wedding".

Brian graded Dom and pull out of the room Brian said: " Dom you need to cut that out, I know you don't like that they are married but they are, When I was at the FBI, I saw something about Isa but we won't speak so I didn't tell you, you can't keep going around like this, you need to accept the fact they are married I mean you didn't accept me as Mia's boyfriend right away but now we are brothers in a way, till then you are the one putting the relationship with your sister off".

Brian walk away to phone Mia and tell her what happened. I didn't both follow him. I watch Hobbs take Isabella back the Shaw's room where Shaw and Isa made out many times. I felt my blood boil till Letty put a hand on my shoulder telling me to follow her.

Letty said " Dom I know this is hard for you, but Isabella has grown ass woman and kick ass, I know this is hard for you because you beat Shaw but I watch the footage of Hobbs and Isabella and I am shocked Dom, I love you but the way you treat Isabella is just not right, you say family is important but you blow up your own family like it or not you and Deckard are brother-in-laws and the whole Shaw is as well now this will take time for you.  I am telling you to stop asking it and if you mention again you are going to be in the dog house with me, got it?"

Dom nodded and sat down and even Hobbs told him of as well about jumping in and his sister. 

Dom stay up most of that night thinking of what Letty and Brian said. The reason for him not accepting the marriage is that he fears his sister and he thought they were wrong for each other. He stay up all night reading old files of what happened in London and all of them had some truth to what his sister told me. 

I know I had to move on there is marriage. I stay there in the dark thinking to accept the fact that they are married for good and that one day he will be uncle the fact is that I lost a friend to Shaw and my sister who should have been with me not him was involved. 

Letty come in and said " Dom we all know what Shaw did, your sister wasn't there when he killed Han, you need to know that. 

I went to bed worried about what Isa would be doing right now. 

Isabella's POV

I had to be questioned by the police and everything else. I went for a walk to think and someone come over to me and said " Mrs. Shaw hi I am Mr. Nobody."

I said, " Really your name is nobody,  that is just sad, but what do you want"?

Mr.Nobody said, " Well my real name is classified and what I want is for you to come to work with me"?

I look at him and said " Aren't you afraid I might kill someone"

Mr. Nobody said, " No I am not, I had my eye on you for a long time like the time you hacked into the Pentagon or the time when you were in London, you see Mrs.Shaw I am looking for someone like you in my job, what do you say"?

I look at him and said, " So I work for you and I don't go to jail, I can't travel, um let me think about it sure but no deal I don't ever have to see my brother and I want to have access to my husband, what do you say Mr. Nobody?"

Mr. Nobody said Ok then welcome to my team Mrs.Shaw 

I look at him and said, " Call me Isabella please"? 

Mr. Nobody said, " Ok then, have a nice time on the trail". 

He left and I walk back to Deckard and told him everything. He was happy of course cause this means I won't be in jail which he didn't want. He made me promise him that I won't lose myself, and I told him that I was a grown-ass woman and I could handle myself and on the plus side I get to see him. I end the talk by making out with him and sleeping on his bed and we fell asleep together. 

Author note - so Brian and Letty and Hobbs tell off Dom which I like because he acts whiny. Mr.Nobody come in and got Isabella to work for him. 

I was thinking to do the Love or Family - O'Connor version. but different let me know what you think 

 next chapter - Goodbye and  BlackOps site 

Soon we are coming near the end of F7

Who is ready for F8? 

then Hobbs and Shaw and F9 - Post Credits Scene and with their kids 

I will say Deckard and Isa have sons and then a daughter. 

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