Hard Truths come to light

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I sat with Deckard in the hospital watching him when he woke up. He had some bruises no life treating injured. I smiled and kissed his lips and he smiled. We sat together and Hobbs come in and handcuff him to the bed. I knew Hobbs had to leave one of Deckard's hands not handcuffed and he left without saying a word to me. Which I was fine with. 

I didn't pay attention to anyone else coming or leaving the room till Hobbs and Dom and Brian come in. 

Hobbs's eye told me not to run and He said " Deckard Shaw you are under arrest for murder and Isabella Shaw you are coming with me". 

Deckard spoke in a calm voice and said " Trust me Hobbs I wasn't planning on running, before you take Isa's way to be questioned by you, do remember whatever she tells you and you Dom you must listen to her. 

Hobbs nodded and turned to me and said " Come with me" 

I did and I walk into a room and so did Brian and Dom and Hobbs. I sat down and said, " Started the questions if you want".

Hobbs said " I am waiting for the lie detector"

I nodded

The lie detector come in and Hobbs started "Is your name, Isabella Maria Shaw"?

I answer " Yes" 

Hobbs said " You are born before 1989"

I said "Yes  I am "

Hobbs said " Were you close with Dom"

I look at my brother and spoke confidently " No, We were never close after what happened to my twin brother and after Vince almost tried to sexually assault me Lucky for me I kick Vince hard and I tried to tell Dom and he didn't believe me so I stop trying to repair a relationship with him".

Hobbs said " Do you blame your brother? 

I laughed and said, " For what not believing me or never listening to me and assuming that I would turn out like my brother yes or for all you going after Owen Shaw my brother in law who by the way is badly hurt because of you guys all because Dom loves Letty, yes I am blame you all for throwing him out of plane after all he save my life after someone tried to kill me". 

Hobbs stops talking and Dom jumps in " I love Letty and I waited for her back and I didn't care what happened to Shaws". 

I said " I know you love Letty, but that doesn't excuse you throwing a man who has a family out of plane and you are the reason for this war, I have my reason for coming after you. I wanted to hurt you as you hurt me by not believing me about Vince forcing me to marry him or the time you won't let me say goodbye to my brother, you never believe in me, you think  I didn't marry Deckard to make you mad. I am married to him because we fell in love, he save my life more than you, we fall in love with each other, we married and you still have the guts to say you don't care about anyone but yourself and your family". 

Dom stop talking.

Hobbs said " Last question, would you ever forgive your brother"?

Dom jumps in - is the marriage real Isa? 

I said, " OH AGAIN WITH THIS MARRIAGE THING YES IT IS REAL, WE WERE PLANING TO START A FAMILY BEFORE YOU threw OWEN OUT OF the PLANE, to the last one - maybe it depends, now is this over because I would love to get to my husband". 

Hobbs look at Dom and said, " Toretto the marriage is real, I got the record of who was there,  and who officiant the wedding".

Brian graded Dom and pull out of the room. Hobbs turn to me and said " I am sorry about what we did but we did it and I am sorry Dom ask that question it annoys you, I know your marriage is real cause you love him, anyways this is done, and I will take you back to Shaw.

Hobbs took me back to Deckard and we make out right in front of Hobbs and he left and we made out in front of Dom and his stupid gang, just Letty and Brian smiled at this. 

I was ready for what is to come 

Author note 

So we learn that Dom has no bad feelings for hurting Owen cause he had Letty and we learn he didn't believe Isa about Vince. There are still some hurt feelings even worse is that Dom keeps her for Jakob and didn't like her to see him thinking she would become him. So he saw the worst in her, he thinks she would be like Jakob and thought Vince was a good man and she was lying tho she wasn't. 

We learn Dom is still having a hard time with the marriage between Bella and Deckard which I will get into in Deckard goes to jail and that is why he keeps asking it much to the annoying everyone around. Letty will also tell Dom off and Brian will too in fact even Hobbs will. 

I also want to say I am sorry to women and men who have been sexual assault. I have so much respect for you for coming forward and speaking out. This is part of Isabella's story that she was almost sexual assault by Vince. Also, Vince just seems like the type of person that would go after someone like what he did to Mia but he stop and got married and had a kid so he has changed but in the first movie I got 100% that vibe for him. 

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