Break out

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Mr. Nobody and I and a few men were waiting for Deckard and Hobbs to break out. Knowing my husband he would get out of there and Hobbs would try to be a peaceful way. 

I made sure to weaker the system so it would be easy. I know Deckard and Hobbs would take care of the rest. 

I saw a widow open. So I got out of the car and run over to the air conditioning, I took out my gun and fired it. Stopping it from going and I saw the widow was open. I got on the box and took out a second gun that had a grappling hook on it and fire it and it pulled me up to the widow. Thank goodness it was open. I slip in and made sure I put my gun back. 

" What are you doing here". 

My instance took over and smirked and said " Well what does it look like, I am sorry about this"

The person said, " About what"?

I said "This"

With that, I did an around-house kick and the guard fall on the floor unconscious. I smirk that was too easy, 2 months of training allowed me to become a master ghost, some people called me a Black widow type. They won't be wrong but I have 3 rules, 1. No killing if I can help it, 2. Look great doing it, 3. get the job done without being seen or found out by my enemies.

I said, " Have good sleep, you might need some aspirin when you wake up". 

I got started hacking and said into my com " Ready for break out". 

Mr. Nobody said " Good, now get out of there " 

I said " Yeah yeah, I know" 

I made a call not to leave the way I come. I run down the halls. I reach the main prison. I look at everyone, where is that hot handsome husband of mine? 

I fought my way to the next and then someone body-checked someone behind me, I ducked just in time. I stood up and turned to the person who did that. 

The person standing in front of me was Decks and he look kinda shocked to see me. I did tell him I fight now. He was happy. 

"Isa what the fuck are you doing here, are you hurt he touch my face worried. I smiled.

I look at him touch his arm and said "No I am finding Decks, short version Mr. Nobody and I are helping you break out now let's get out". 

Deckard did his use badass thing well I did mine and I run and made sure to get in front of the two guys and took out discs and threw them on the electrocute them not to kill them just to shock them. It works. 

Deckard stood there watching in awe and I come over to him and said in a teasing voice " stare now are we". 

I walk over to him and pulled out pepper spray and sprained the close person to me and walk near Deckard. 

When I reach him and kiss him and dip me and said "  First of all yes I allowed you to stare at my gorgeous wife,  wow you are such a boss". 

Then he put me back on my feet and said " Well let's get out of here". 

Decks smiled and said " Happy to" 

I could see Hobbs making his way to another existence and I said " Decks we got to go NOW! 

Deckard and I run through the halls till we found the door, two guards were blocking the door.

Deckard kick the three guards up and  I knock them out I stood next to Deckard and Hobbs charged at us and knock both me and Deckard to the ground outside. 

Deckard and Hobbs got up ready to fight other and all Mr.Nobody's men come out of their hide spots. 

I went to stand where Mr. Nobody was and He just look at his watch and Deckard and Hobbs just look confused. 

Mr. Nobody look back at them and said " Well that took longer than expected". 

He turned to me and said " Agent Shaw good job in there, but those weren't my orders". 

I look at him and said, " Well Mr.Nobody, I don't give a rat ass about your order, you want Hobbs  my husband free, also don't forget after this whole thing is over I want my husband free of his crimes and mine as well." 

I walk away from the scene and Deckard and everyone followed my lead and we left the scene. 

In the scene for Iron Man 2, Just imagine Isa doing this to someone. 


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