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I arrive in London wow it is so gorgeous. I know I had the day off so I went all over. I went to the hotel that the company had put up for me and I begin tracking the code that someone stole for me. I decide to make new code that will rival that other code. I have no idea what it would be so started thinking about how to make someone disappear for good. 

I started on the code and started on the work. I tried the code and it work I made sure that Dom would think I would be with Vince. I did tell Mia that it was fool Dom and anyone else who was looking for me. Mia was ever impressed. I knew that Mia is running the store and she talk about Letty being there I talked to her and to say the least, Letty was pissed at Dom. I found out that Dom left Letty, Wow Dom had things for walking out on people has become a thing. 

I work on the code for about the whole night. This might come as a shock but I am a shy person. I don't know how to make friends I guess it comes from my childhood. I always hang out with Mia or Letty or Jakob. 

I remember my dad spending time with me, he was the one who love coding and he is the one that use the code to help him win. I miss him every day and my mum. 

The next morning I went to work and spend the day working I made friends with a co-worker and it made me think that something in my life held me back from making friends I had my gang my friends and my sister and Letty.

 I remember how scared I was to bring friends over to my house because of what Dom was doing.  I need to forget Dom and the fallout. It hurts. Little did I know I would forget all about Dom and soon I will meet someone who I would love and I would love back. 

I work and took breaks and talk with my co-worker. They were amazing people and they understood that hard to open up. One of them look at me and said" Take your time to open up" I felt so happy they understood and I didn't have to rush. We got back to work and I spend my whole day working. My boss ask me to stay for a little bit longer and I did. 

For me working overnight was no fun everyone hated it and my co-worker got me dinner which was so nice it was pasta and tomatoes and cheese. It was so good. 

I eat my dinner and work on my work and then turned to the code it was a track and then I saw someone was going. I need to transfer all my code to someone's safe so I stunk my flash drive and downloaded all of it. I had my work laptop there with the fake codes and put the real codes in my shoe, the fake codes were still dangerous but not that much.

My thoughts were interrupted by glass breaking.


Two men enter the room. One man had red hair and the other had brown hair. The men wanted up to me and said " Hands Up". I did what he said. The men walk over to me and said " Where is it? well pointing a gun in my face. I look at him and I saw that I have something he wants.  I nodded to my work laptop and he went there. 

The men put a gun on my head and I seriously thought that I was going to die. Another smash comes it. Two men come in and a fire started. I saw bladed men making their way to me and he come behind me and said: " I am going to get you out of here". 

I nodded and the man took my hand and I felt a spark between us. I know he did as well because he never let go of my hand. 

When we reach the other man and the man held my hand and said" Owen get her out of here". 

Owen shoots his gun at the brown hair men and he feels dead. 

The man named Owen nodded and said " Deckard come on". The man that was holding my hand. To Me, Deckard was a good name and Owen was a normal name. That many people have it.  

Someone fired back. I saw a grenade fly through the air and land near us. 

I said " Run". Deckard and Owen look at me and then saw and we took off near a widow. The whole building went bomb and I felt someone's arm around me as we fly out the window and hit the ground. 

My ears were ringing and I felt someone next to me and someone else. I saw the building burning everything I work done was gone and my ears rang. I saw the man with red hair leaving the burning building the other one must have been killed. 

Darkness come over my eye and fell asleep

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now