Meeting Hattie

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Isabella's POV

By the time I woke up Decks was out of the house, he left a note saying breakfast was waiting for I got up and did a safe workout that the doctor recommended ate breakfast and made sure to wear a bulletproof and anything harm-proof. 

I locked up the house turned on a new tech I designed and drove to where Deckard's bar. I walked in without a problem and went downstairs. 

I spend the day just designing new technology and new viruses. Owen was coming for lunch. Which was nice, I heard the door open and I raised my gun and said "Name"

Owen's voice came out and said " Geezz Isa, it's just me". 

I smirked and said, "Really Owen can't you just text me". 

Owen smiled and said, "Let's go, I am hungry". 

I smirked and said "You and me both." 

We went out for a nice lunch, I had no idea what Deckard was up to, he had business to take care of and visit his mother who was in jail for jewelry robbery. which was funny she got caught too. The Shaw normal never got caught well that got broke of course. 

Owen was well in therapy and recovered well and he was happy to know about his nephews and so does Queenie. They were both very happy about it. 

I spent the rest of the day with Owen, I worked on the technology and he played with Deckard's cars which was funny.  I heard a noise and alerts and I knew someone was coming down I raised my hand to Owen and did the signal and he nodded and we both slipped into the dark with our guns loaded and raised. 

We heard an unlock and Owen was on the other side with a gun in hand and so was I and I heard a voice speak sound like Hobbs and then a British voice ran out it was Deckard and I loved his voice so much and I put my gun down and said " Decks".

Deckard turned around and spoke " Isa".

I step out of the shadows and put my gun down on the table I walk over and Decks wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a hug and kiss. 

Blond women said, "Who are you?" 

Deckard pulled away and turned and said " Hattie meet my wife Isabella". 

Hattie said " WIFE?"

I smiled and said, "Yes wife, we got married, it is nice to meet you, Hattie". I put out my hand and Hattie just looked at him and shocked it. 

I turned back to Decks and said "So what happened."

Decks smiled and said, " Brixton is back". 

I wrapped my arm around his waist and didn't say anything. I knew his past with Brixton and he wasn't proud of it. I could feel Hattie's eyes on me. 

I smiled "Babe I wasn't here alone, Owen step out it is ok"

Hobbs groaned and said, "Not you again". 

Owen said, " Hi Hobbs, good to see you again". 

Owen stepped out of the shadows and said "Hello brother, may you get older". 

Decks just groaned and said " And you are still scarface". 

Owen smirked and said, "Hey Hatts be a while".

Hattie  said " Owen" 

Owen hugged Hattie and she hugged him back. 

Owen smiled "The only one" 

Owen turned to Decks and said, "So where are we going?"

Decks said, " Russia,  Hattie did something stupid and we have to go and save her life". 

Hattie looked at Decks and said "Really Decks". 

Decks looked at Hattie and said "Really". 

Decks took my picture and Owen and Hattie said "Why is she coming". 

Deckard turned around mad and said, " Brixton might try something and I won't lose my wife and Hattie watch your mouth". 

I knew Decks was always there. 

Deckard said, "We will leave tomorrow". 

Owen said, "Great"! 

Deckard turned to him and said, "If you piss me off, I will send you back home got it". 

Owen raised his hands and said, "Got it, Deck chill out, I know you are going to be a dad". 

Hobbs turned to me and said, "Congratulations Isa". He hugged me and I smiled and said "Thank you, Hobbs". 

" you're pregnant". 

I turned to Hattie and said, "Yes, with your nephews".

Hattie wished something, but I didn't catch it or care to. I have more important things to worry about than my new sister-in-law acting like a child. 

Author note - Isa meets Hattie, and Deckard is getting sassy by Owen which honestly is amazing. this story is coming to an end, just Hobbs and Shaw and just some filler chapters then Fast X, honestly I want to see Owen back in Fast and Furious or Hobbs and Shaw like we need to see him again. 

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now