Last peaceful day

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Bella's POV

It was a sunny morning in LA.  I was working on her car in the background. I wasn't the biggest racer in my family but I enjoy doing low-key races to get some money. Since I want to leave LA and go to London for a job. 

I heard a car coming and I know was Dom and Letty so I just continue to work on the car. 

I heard Dom and Letty come towards me and I heard my older brother's voice. I put the hood down and said " Hi Dom I thought you were at the store.  I was never close to Dom after Jakob but he was still my brother and he took care of me and Mia after Jakob left. 

Dom smiled and said, " I was and so was Letty". I know for a fact that my sister was still at the store. I didn't work at the store for a good reason I hate it and I had a job. I would never tell my brother the reason why I never want to work with him. 

Dom was looking under the car and I said "Well did the blond guy comes again".  I heard about Brian coming to the store because Mia told me about it. 

Letty nodded and said, "Vince almost got into a fight with a blonde hair guy and Dom stops them".I rolled my eyes and said, "Of course,  he always Vince got into a fight". 

I was never like Vince; he grabbed my arm and tried to kiss me. When he just wants Mia, not me. After that,  I  stood near Letty wherever we had a family dinner. I didn't know why Dom called them family, all of them expect Letty to have been close to Dom and Mia.

 Once at a  family dinner. The boys drank a lot and I left the room to work on the new virus Vince comes in and is very drunk.  Vince almost forced himself on me and I  pushed him so hard. I run to the nearest person there which was it was Dom.   I tried to tell Dom and he didn't listen to me or something maybe he was drunk and I drop the subject to Dom. I drove in races where Dom didn't race. 

I said " I got to go and Dom nodded and I got in my car and drove off. 

Letty's POV

I look at Isabella driving off. I was trying to tell Dom about Vince and what he did. I knew Isabella felt unsafe around him or anyone including her own family. I knew that Isabella had her friends From day one I  got along with Isabella, she was like a little sister. I knew about Vince being creepy around Isabella.  I would never let Vince near Isabella. I knew Mia and Isabella never liked Vince. 

Isabella told me she is more like British men than others.  

I just knew I had to try again to help Isabella. She didn't feel safe at her own home. I know she was going to leave for London. 

I turned to tell him again.  I hope this time would be different. 

Dom spoke, "I need to make  Isa would stay more at home, she always leaves the house if the gang is over and stays with a friend". 

I look at Dom and said, "Dom, you can't make her do anything she doesn't want to do, she is a free woman". 

Dom looked at me and said " Well she isn't, she can go out but as soon as she comes home, she is staying and marrying Vince. 

I said "Dom I don't think you notice that Isabella hates Vince is trying to force him on Isabella"

Dom said, " He didn't do it, plus he told me she loves him and they are dating and for one Isa should marry him, he loves her Letty". 

I said " Dom honestly the fact you believe Vince over Isa is just ..., she never lies to you plus every time she pushes that she doesn't like him you so believe him over her". 

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