Chapter 6

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The next day...

Khae entered and quickly examined the room. There was no sign of RJ. She sighed in relief. She was expecting RJ to be waiting. Thank God, he's not here! She made sure to not come too early because she does not want the incident from yesterday to happen again. She wants to avoid RJ.

She walked towards the back and took one vacant seat. She sat then looked at her watch. It's five minutes before nine. The class starts at 9:10. She feels sleepy. She did not get enough sleep. She wants to go grab some coffee. But she dismissed the idea when she realized RJ might be waiting outside. She grimaced. She crossed her arms and looked around. She started observing everyone in that room. She looked at them one by one. Some of them she knows by name, some she doesn't. This is her third year with most of them but until now she really does not know everyone. She never tried knowing them or making friends with them. She never let anyone got close to her. She looks at Yana, the girl seated at the front... among all her classmates, she is the only one she exchanges words with. That realization made her feel bad. She sighed. I really should do something about it.

"Good morning, everyone!" greeted Ms. Mallari.

"Good morning, Ma'am." The students greeted back in chorus.

"I hope you all had a well-spent vacation. Welcome back to school!" Ms. Mallari said. "And speaking of welcome, I'd like you to welcome a new student. She is a fourth year taking up BA-MMA. Due to conflict of schedule, she had to enroll Communication and Media Law and Ethics here." Ms. Mallari asked the new student to come in.

"Class, I'd like you to meet Maraiah Arceta." Everyone gasped when Aiah entered the room.

Everyone is looking at her with admiration. She looks so pretty with her black cropped top and pair of jeans. So simple yet so elegant. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she looks like she came straight out of a magazine. 

"Oh my, she looks so gorg." Somebody from the class said.

"Is she even real?" Another student commented.

"Girl crush"


"My bias wrecker" 

"Heaven sent"

Aiah could hear all those comments and she felt flattered.

"Hi, everyone. I'm Aiah." She gave everyone her best smile.

Everything around her seemed to be in slow motion when Aiah walked in. Her jaw literally dropped. Khae could hear her heart beating fast. "Why am I feeling this way?" She couldn't understand her own reaction. She composed herself. Khae's face turned expressionless. She looked at Aiah once again. She raised an eyebrow when she paid attention to what Aiah is wearing. Cropped top? Really? Though it's normal to wear that in school, she does not like Aiah to wear that.

"You don't like, because?" Khae realized she's been talking to herself. She slightly shook her head. What's wrong with me?

"Hello, Aiah, welcome to Comm-3." The whole class welcomed Aiah.

"Okay, please go take your seat Ms. Arceta." said Ms. Mallari.

Apparently, there's only one vacant seat left in the room. Aiah had no choice but to sit beside Khae. Aiah saw Khae when she was introducing herself. She saw how disinterested she looked earlier. She's not friendly, Aiah thought. She also noticed how Khae looked at her top with disapproval. Why? What's wrong with my outfit?

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