Chapter 34

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Khae woke up with a fever and headache.

She closed her eyes and massaged both of her temples.


She recalled what happened last night. And it made her head more painful. Fudge!

She heard someone knocking at the door. It was Ate Janice, their helper. Marcus sent Janice to check on her. She looked at the time. It's almost 11 o'clock. Ohh, I overslept. On Saturdays, she and Marcus eat breakfast together.

"I'm not feeling well, Ate Janice. Can I just have my breakfast here? Please. Thanks."

"OK. I'll bring you breakfast and medicine."

Her head is throbbing with pain. Khae closed her eyes. Few minutes have passed when she heard Janice knocked. She did not respond.

Aiah opened the door. She went inside Khae's room. They were waiting for Khae downstairs. But Janice told them Khae isn't feeling well and she requested to have breakfast in her room. She asked Marcus if she could take the breakfast to Khae herself.

Khae's eyes are closed. Aiah put the tray on the table and sat on the bed.

Khae sniffed. She smells something familiar. I know that smell. It's her favorite scent of— She opened her eyes and was surprised when she saw the person who's on her mind right now.



Khae sat up.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"How are you feeling?" Aiah asked Khae worriedly.

"I feel sick."

Aiah could tell in Khae's voice that she isn't feeling well. She also looks pale.

"I brought you your breakfast."

"Where's Ate Janice?"

"Sorry, I asked your Dad to let me bring it to you. I wanted to see you..." Aiah said in a soft voice.

"I was not able to talk to you last night, so I came here. I hope you don't mind."

"I'm sorry..."

Khae was silent.

She really missed Aiah. Looking at her now, all she wants to do is to hold her and hug her. Three days not talking and not being with her was almost unbearable.

"I was inconsiderate of your feelings. I wish I was more understanding that time. I wish I didn't leave you that day without settling our differences. I'm sorry, baby..." said Aiah.

"I am sorry, too." Khae said after a long silence.
"I'm a jealous girlfriend. I am insecure. Childish. Immature..."

"Baby, I'm sorry I didn't mean those words. You are not childish and immature. You are not like that." Aiah regretted calling Khae those words.

Khae was just listening.

"OK, you're jealous. That's true. We both are. But we can fix that right? We just have to be more understanding. Have faith in each other. Trust each other."

"I can't control myself. I try but I always fail. I have faith in you, but I don't trust other people. Last night, I tried my best to not feel jealous of that guy, but I couldn't help it. It angers me seeing you being close to someone else."

"I didn't accept his offer."

"What? Why?"

"When you left, it kinda gave me the idea that you're jealous so I turned down the offer."

"Hmm" Khae put on a sad face.

"Why? You don't seem happy."

"You like modeling. And that was a good opportunity for you but you turned it down just because of me. That's sad."

"I don't want us to fight...And besides, I can't do modeling now, I am graduating. I've too much in my hands. I've got no time."

Khae realized, she's got a little time left to be with Aiah always. Soon, she'll leave school and they won't be able to bond as much. And yeah, sad to say, they are no longer classmates this coming semester.

"Come..." Khae asked Aiah to come closer to her. She wants to hug her so badly.

Aiah gave Khae a hug.

"Hmm... Are we OK now?" Aiah asked.

Khae hugged her even more tightly. Aiah took that as a yes. She smiled.

"I love you so much." Khae whispered.

"I love you more." Aiah unclasped herself from Khae's arms. She noticed Khae's high temperature.

"Hey, you've got fever..." Aiah touched Khae's forehead to check.

"I feel dizzy"

"You have to eat now so you can take your med after."

Aiah stood up to get Khae's breakfast.
She put the bed tray in front of  Khae.

"I don't feel like eating."

"Babe, but you have to. Try to eat a little. OK?"

Khae shook her head. I'll eat if you'll feed me.


"I can't hold the fork." She pouted her lips.

"Ohh... You want me to call Ate Janice to spoon feed you?" Aiah pretended to stand.

"Noooo!" Khae automatically grabbed the fork and pierced one hotdog.

Aiah laughed. She knew right from the start Khae wants to be babied. This happens rarely, so she must grab the chance.

"My baby wants me to feed her, huh." Aiah smiled. "Give me that, then." She took the fork from Khae.

"Don't go home yet, please."  said Khae while looking at Aiah slicing a piece of meat.

"I won't baby. I'll stay here."

"Thank you, baby."  Khae smiled.

Aiah stayed with Khae. She spent the whole day taking care of her.

"Thank you Aiah for taking care of her. I appreciate it." said Marcus. He's driving her home.

"It's nothing, Tito. Khae would have done the same for me."

Marcus smiled.

"I'm glad you two are OK now. Please don't get tired of her."

Aiah looked at Marcus.

"I don't know if you are aware, but Khae and I experienced loss multiple times in the past. One after the other. I think that made huge impact on her. And until now, I can't  forgive myself. I wasn't there for her. I was busy coping on my own and I neglected her. I'm just really thankful and grateful that she gave me a chance to prove myself and to make up for the lost times. And also, I'm thankful that she found you. I've never seen her happy until you came to her life. Thank you, Aiah."

After listening to Marcus, Aiah got to understand Khae more.

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