Chapter 32

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The following day, the two neither called nor texted each other.

After attending three classes, Khae decided to go home.

"I haven't seen Khae today. Where is she? Francheska asked.

"I've no idea." Lindtsey shrugged her shoulders.

"She wasn't at the rehearsal. Didn't see her earlier." Nica said. She is one of the organizers of the pageant.

"Where's Aiah?" Yves asked.

"She has class at this time." Gwen answered.

"Are they okay?" Francheska has the feeling the two have misunderstanding.

"I'm not sure. But yesterday, Khae seemed to be in a bad mood after hearing about the changes they've made at the rehearsal."

"What changes? Oh, that. The shorts thingy?" Nica asked.

"Yeah. You know, Khae's overprotective." Lindtsey said.

"Hmm. I think she's overdoing it. I mean, c'mon it's a pageant. It's not like it's only Aiah who's going to wear it. There's so many of them. She shouldn't make it a big deal." Francheska said.

"If you ask me, I wouldn't like it too if you were to wear such." Nica told Francheska.

"But why? I don't get it. What does she want Aiah to wear then? Why did she let her join in the first place?" Francheska feels that Khae is overreacting.

"We don't know. And whatever her reason is, we should not question that, OK? We don't know how she feels about it. Aiah's her girlfriend. And we're just their friends. We don't see Aiah the way Khae sees her. I hope y'all get my point." Lindtsey told the girls.

"I'm not taking sides here if that's what you're thinking. I just want them both to think and act maturely about the issue. Francheska explained.

"Let's just hope they'll talk it out if ever they really have misunderstanding." said Christine.


Aiah is keeping herself busy to avoid thinking about Khae. She's giving her full attention to her work.

"Good job, Ms. Arceta. Nice work."

"Thanks, Sir."

Aiah has no plans of meeting the girls today. After dismissal, she immediately put the drawing tablet in her bag and went home.

She just got home when her dad called.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, Dad. How are you and Mom?"

"We're okay. When is your semestral break? Are you coming home?"

"I'm not sure, Dad. It's just a one week break-"

"We miss you, sweetheart."

"I miss you, too..."

"I hope you and Gwen will spend your semestral break here."

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