Chapter 24

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Khae was 3 minutes late in her class with Ms. Mallari. She was the last one to enter the room.

"Where have you been?" Aiah wondered. This is the first time Khae came in late.


"What's that?" Aiah is looking at Khae's shirt. There's a mark on it.

"Oh, this? It's—"

"Ms. Lim" Ms. Mallari called Khae. "Recite the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 19"

I think I'm her favorite. Khae thought.

"UDHR: Article 19 — Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

"Very good. You're excused for being late." Ms. Mallari told Khae.

Aiah can't help but to feel proud of her. Khae has been consistent. She always comes to class prepared.


"What?" Khae mouthed. She does not want to make any more noise. She's not sure if she'll be able to answer Ms. Mallari when she calls her again.

Aiah texted what she wanted to say.

Khae smiled when she read Aiah's message.

After dismissal...

"Babe, I forgot to tell you, tomorrow it'll be just us and my dad. Marla had something came up."

"Ohh.. Okay." Lucky you, Aiah. Meeting Khae's dad gives her so much chills already, adding Marla in the picture doubles her anxiety. She feels a little bit more relaxed now because of what she heard.

"Hey, are you nervous?" Khae looked at Aiah.

"Who wouldn't be? I'm meeting him for the first time and I don't know what to expect."

"Don't overthink."


"I'll pick you up at 5, OK"

"OK, baby."

They're walking towards the parking lot when something caught Khae's attention.

"Wait, that's Francheska right... with Nica??"
Aiah turned her gazed to where Khae is looking.

"I think Nica finally found the courage to admit her feelings to Francheska." Aiah said.

"What? Nica has feelings for Francheska?! All along we thought Francheska was the one crushing on her and Nica was not interested."

"Gwen told me, Nica has been crushing on her since last year..."


Aiah looked at the two. They seem to be so comfortable holding each other's hand while walking in public. Anyone can tell there's something going on with them.

She gazed at Khae. She's looking at them, too. She's not sure but she saw something in Khae's eyes, she just can't tell what it is.

"Should I take you home now or d'you wanna hang out first?" Khae turned her gaze to Aiah. She caught her staring.

"Huh?" Aiah was startled. She was still thinking about what she noticed earlier.

"Are you ok? I'm asking if you wanna go home now or hang out first?"

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