part 61.5 clone wars

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Akame pov

It had only taken one month to get settled on our homeworld. Unfortunately, life being what it was it was only a matter of time before my past would come back to haunt me. Air had reached out to me to help her She was, unfortunately, getting called back to the Jedi temple her search for Fal had not meant with a lot of success. Anakin was out on the front lines fighting the separatists Air had asked me to help in the operation. although it was against my better judgment I decided to help out. What I didn't realize was that the entire operation was gonna keep me away from my friends my sister for almost 9 months.  There was so much beauty to this Galaxy there was so much that I didn't quite understand and that hopefully given enough time I would come to understand. Anakin had been allowed to enter the Jedi Order and was a knight if the order but it was  Obviously wasn't respected by a lot of the senior members Obi-wan Kenobi was with us along with a few other Jedi all in all my impression of them was that they were all highly motivated people and they were very much dedicated to peace.  My mind trailed back to the old days when I was part of the elite 7 I often wondered what would Green think of this new Galaxy? 

  My mind trailed back to the old days when I was part of the elite 7 I often wondered what would Green think of this new Galaxy? 

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Knowing him he would do everything he could to explore the Galaxy. In a funny was Anakin was like Green in that instance. As I round the corner to go into the cargo hold I heard the sound of clashing lightsabers Anakin and Obi-wan we're going through their drills. Upon noticing my arrival the 2 of them turned to face me.

 Upon noticing my arrival the 2 of them turned to face me

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Obi-wan- Akame good to see you again. What brings you down here?

Akame-  I'm just wandering around the ship wondering what I should do.

Obi-wan looked at the young woman with somewhat of a questioning look but didn't voice his actual opinion.

Obi-wan- Anakin and I are done for the day perhaps you wouldn't mind sparring with him for a bit since he still has energy.

Akame looked at her old enemy and comrade and friend. She didn't have dark feelings towards him he decided to simply do what he thought was right. However, his methods did worry her sometimes.

Anakin-  I'm up for a little bit more training if you want to Akame

Akame unclipped her lightsaber from her belt and took a ready stand with one click she had switched her lightsaber from a kill mode to a practice mode Anakin did the same thing.

Anakin-  Are you ready?

Akame took note of how cold his voice seemed to get. His eyes were laser-focused at a central point on her Akame could feel that he was gathering the force. Akame did the same over the months she had learned how to draw on the force instinctively Obi-wan had shown her the basics. Mentally she turned all of her fear all of her hatred all of her anxieties outward and allowed the force to reach through her to guide her hand.

Akame-  I'm ready.

The moments the words left her mouth Anakin was on her his lightsaber doing everything to beat through her defenses he was using not only the fact that he was taller but also that he was physically stronger than her. Akame reached out with the force and pushed him away. Think quickly Akame jumps into the air and comes down with so much strength to try to break through Anakin's defenses only for the older man to push her backward Akame only had enough time to raise her own lightsaber to block. This went on for what felt like hours probably because it had been hours. Akame laid on the ground the cold steel helped cool her body down Anakin stood above her deactivating his lightsaber and reattaching it to his belt

Anakin- Well you know how to make somebody work for a victory.

Akame-  You didn't exactly beat me.

Anakin-  That might be somewhat true but you are exhausted and you can't keep fighting that technically count as a victory.

Anakin extended his right hand to help her up.

Anakin- we will be making planetfall pretty soon get some sleep.

Akame looked at him he had changed on their homeworld he was nothing more than an outcast but here he was something else entirely. If only Sheele could have lived to see this. Akame  Pushed the thought out of her mind as much as she wished she had lived in a world where all of her friends and loved ones had lived her negative thoughts could lead her down a path that there was no coming back from. Anakin had Tomoyo though their relationship was strange and secret to say the least, it was obvious that they both loved each other in their own way. As long as he had an anchor to hold on to the monster that lived in Skywalker's heart would not take a peek at the Galaxy.

Anakin- Akame?

Akame looked up

Akame- yes

Anakin- You look tired you really should get some sleep before you collapse from exhaustion.

With that Anakin turned and began to walk away.

Akame- Anakin same time tomorrow?

Anakin turned and looked back at her and smiled.

Anakin- same time

Akame-  are we still comrades that's really what I want to ask?

Anakin smiled at her

Anakin- We are friends Akame we are one soul in 2 separate bodies that is how I see it.

With that Anakin was gone leaving Akame with a smile on her face as well at least she was able to clear that up.  She would fight in the clone wars for as long as she could. But things being as they always were life would always throw a bit of a curveball.

6 weeks after the operation.

Akame- I'll be back as soon as I can

Tatsumi- Mine gonna be going into labor any day now. She would like it if you were here.

Akame smiled down at the hologram projection.

Akame- done with my Mission so I should be heading back soon I just need to get my ship already and I'll be gone.

Tatsumi-That's good I guess we'll see you in a couple of days right Akame?

Akame- yes

Akame ends the communication she couldn't escape the feeling that something bad was gonna happen.

Anakin- you ok?

Akame looked at Anakin and Tomoyo as the two Jedi walked down the corridor

Akame-  Mine is expecting to have her 1st child soon. She's asked me to come back.

Tomoyo-  So you'll be leaving us then I'm guessing?

Akame- I won't be gone too long at least I hope not.

Just then Obi-wan Appears running at full speed.

Obi-wan- Tomoyo we need you on the bridge it's urgent.

Both Jedi take off running

Anakin- do you want me to see you off?

Akame- I'm ok I'll be back soon

Akame runs in the direction of the hangar she would be back in just a couple of days give nothing else. Anakin Kept his eyes on her for some odd reason he couldn't escape this ever present feeling that soon soon things would change.

 Akame Ga Kill ( The World Between Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now