part 61 a farewell

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Chelsea pov

I got up early in the morning the sun still hadn't risen yet the Revolutionary Army had gone through the imperial capital to give relief effort to the citizens to let them know that the city had not fallen into chaos. There were a few soldiers that had held out but they were easily dealt with. Eventually, the last two members of the Jaegers were arrested quickly but with Akame's testimony her sister as well as her boyfriend we're spared the death penalty. Mine and Anakin had finally set aside the differences of what had happened to Sheele and the two of them celebrated her life in the only way that they could. Tatsumi and Mine now display their actual feelings for each other extremely publicly since the war was over they could probably live a life of peace if they really wanted to. I slowly walked out towards the courtyard and heard the sounds of humming in the air Skywalker was going through his drills in the early morning Akame Tomoyo and  Obi-Wan was with him as well. I didn't know what Akame's plans were but I knew that Anakin and the rest of the Jedi would be leaving to fight the next War all I knew was that I wanted to go with them. Akame noticed me and deactivated her lightsaber and made her way back to the Imperial Palace perhaps to meet up with her younger sister. Skywalker noticed me and deactivated his own lightsaber connecting it back to his belt before walking past me. Obi-Wan Kenobi walked up to me.

Kenobi- your up very early today

Chelsea- this is the last day for you

Kenobi- it's not the end it's just the beginning.

Chelsea- but Anakin you Tomoyo you'll be leaving all of us behind?

Kenobi- it wouldn't be goodbye forever you know that. You know you can come with us if you want

Chelsea looked into his blue eyes and could see that he was worried about something as well.

Kenobi- War has begun Anakin and Tomoyo are leaving to fight it, master, Yoda is going to be here in 30m him and Air.

Chelsea looked at the older man her mind flashed to the younger girl's friends that had died Anakin was going to have to tell her.

Chelsea- what will happen to with Anakin?

Kenobi- Anakin is a Jedi his life is in service to the Republic and to democracy itself.

Chelsea- I see

That was all Chelsea could say she couldn't begin to imagine his own sacrifice that he had had to make. Far above Chelsea and Obi-Wan Anakin looks out from one of the high pillars of the Imperial Palace. His world had changed he had changed. Anakin felt the presence of someone approaching him.

Tomoyo- how are you feeling?

Anakin looked at Tomoyo she was keeping her composure but he could feel tremblings in the force.

Anakin- I will there something you want to talk to me about?

Tomoyo looked down at the ground before looking back at him.

Tomoyo- a Jedi shall not know anger nor hatred nor love...

Anakin looked at her with a  questioning look.

Anakin- what are you trying to say?

Tomoyo- Ever since the day I met you I slowly grew to hate you Because of your power. I was envious of you I  Slowly grow to get angry at you because you rushed into things without thinking.

Anakin continues to look at her his eyes narrowing with somewhat suspicion.

Tomoyo-  Over these months I've grown To look at you not just as a Jedi But as somebody so much more.

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