part 9 one step

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Sheele pov

A/Y came back late at night rather than wake me up he allowed me to sleep. My mind still swirled with what
Najenda had asked me to do. Perhaps confronting him openly would be easier? There was no reason to betray the trust we had built up. I didn't want to believe that he was going down a path of destruction but there were signs. Signs that he wasn't quite right at times. He did keep secrets from me that power of his for 1 but what else was he keeping secret. As he slept I noticed that he tossed and turned he was having another nightmare again. I noticed that he was constantly having problems sleeping as if plagued by uneasiness I once tried to ask him about it but he didn't feel like talking about it. instead of shutting me out as if to protect me from what he had seen. I was jolted awake it was still dark outside A/Y wasn't lying in the bed next to me he had obviously gone out again slowly I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen as I reach the kitchen I saw him getting a glass of water he was drenched in sweat his skin was pale he had another nightmare only this time he hadn't screamed he simply had left.

Sheele- A/Y are you ok?

A/Y turned his head so fast he was surprised that somebody was in the room with him.

A/Y- I'm fine it's just a dream ill be ok.

Sheele- do you want to talk about it?

The look on his face changed no longer did it look like the strong man that I knew he looked terrified. What had he seen that shuck him to his core so much? After a long moment, he responded

A/Y- let's go back to the room we can talk about behind closed Doors

Sheele- ok

He cleans the glass off we both walk back to our room as soon as the boor closes he looks me in the eyes.

A/Y- sheele I'm not keeping secrets from you there are some things that I don't know anything about but I want to know. Tomorrow I'm going back to a temple that I had gone to previously to get some answers.

Sheele- I'm going with you

A/Y- not this time this is a personal journey that I have to do on my own. And it's not that I don't think that you're a capable fighter it's the fact that I'm worried that something will happen to you if you come with me.

Sheele sighed with a very heavy heart she understood why her husband had to do this but at the same time, she was worried about him that he was going down a path that had no clear ending.

Sheele- I understand that you have to do this however please come back soon.

A/Y- it's me, of course, I'll come back I always will.

His smile put Sheele at ease for the time being.

Sheele- when will you be going?

A/Y- I'll be going as soon as the sun comes up. I'll be gone for about 4 days give or take.

Sheele fell into his arms he embraced her and held her close. For a brief moment, A/Y felt happy and complete.

A/Y- I'm going back to sleep you should try and get some sleep too.

Sheele smiled at him.

Sheele- I'm going to get some water and then I'll be right back.

Sheele went to the sink to get a drink of water while she was thinking another person walked into the kitchen.

Najenda- are you really going to let him go all alone?

Sheele spun around so fast to look into the eye of the boss. Her mind spun around and around trying to figure out when did the boss actually show up how much of the conversation did she actually overhear?

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