part 16 sheele's confession

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Sheele pov

I woke up extremely early to go to Tatsumi's room I was to be the one to work with him today A/Y had also left early saying that he had to take care of something that he would be gone for a while. Even though I worried for my husband I wasn't so unbelievably worried I knew he could take care of himself. Unfortunately, I passed out in Tatsumi's room while I was waiting for him to get up. The morning sickness hadn't been nearly as bad as I would have thought but I knew this was only the beginning of what pregnancy had in store for me.

Tatsumi- what the what are you doing in my room?

Sheele- good morning Tatsumi you'll be working with me today.

Sheele slowly stood up from the bed her glasses fell as she opened her eyes she freaked out a little bit

Sheele- oh where are my glasses

As quickly as she had dropped them she picked them back up again and put them back on.

Sheele- ok let's try this again.

Tatsumi was suited up in a full suit of armored. And as soon as he was dressed he was thrown into the river

Sheele- you're going to learn how to swim in a whole suit of armored don't worry I'll be right here to help you if you start to drown.

Tatsumi internal thoughts- that's not extremely reassuring

After 45 minutes Tatsumi slowly started to get the hang of it after an hour and a half he had progressed extremely well Sheele continues to read a book as Tatsumi was performing his training. After he came up again he came out of the water.

Sheele- congratulations Tatsumi you've learned how to swim in a whole entire suit of armor.

Tatsumi- hay Sheele can I ask you a question?

Sheele- go ahead.

Tatsumi- the night that we all met I couldn't find you what were you doing at the mansion that night?

Sheele- I honestly don't remember I'm sure it was something important... God, I'm such an airhead.

Tatsumi- okay a better question how did you get into this line of work and how did you meet A/Y? Also, why do you call him Anakin?

Sheele went quiet for a very long time before she responded back.

Sheele- I grew up in one of the older sections of the empire I was never really good at things I was always clumsy and I was always messing up. I could never really take pride in anything that I ever did but I had a friend that looked out for me even with all my flaws she always stood by my side. One night when I was visiting her at her place a man came to the door he looked drunk or on drugs apparently it was my friend's boyfriend that just broken up he tried to kill her and I reacted and I killed him. My friend couldn't stop shaking I was surprisingly calm eventually the investigation ruled it as self-defense but my friend never wanted to see me after that a few months later the man's friends cornered me telling me how they had killed my parents and how they were going to kill me normal people would have reacted differently but I was surprisingly cam I killed all of them. And that's when I realized that if I could do this and if I could kill off evil people than I could do good for everyone around me.

Tatsumi- wow you've got quite a backstory but what about your husband.

Sheele- after the situation with the man and his friends I became a freelance assassin I met him by absolute chance he was 17 years old at the time who had a lot to prove we were both after the same Target. The target had bodyguards so we agreed to work together we cutting hacked and slashed our way through until we got to our Target he let me take the final kill and even offer to give his share of the reward since I kill the target. I didn't realize this until after we got married but he actually started following me it was only until a month later that he worked up the courage actually show up to my room that I was living in and asked me out on a date. One thing led to another and six months later we got married.

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