part 19 pain and suffering

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Sheele pov

Me and Mine had just finished up our mission we were running to get out of the Imperial City as quickly as possible and get back to base. The necklace my husband gave me still wrapped around my neck every time it touched me I felt happy he said he would be back tonight. Najenda had talked to me earlier saying that Anakin was going to let everyone from night raid in on what he was doing and what he was studying. I felt happy that he was finally going to let everybody into his world and open up finally. It made me smile knowing that Mine was also opening up to him as well and beginning to trust him more. However, I was worried about how she would react once she found out I was pregnant and that this would be my last mission until after the baby was born.

Mine- I thought that guy was never going to come out

Sheele- true but at least we completed the mission.

Mine- hey do you think it would be okay if I can talk to your husband a little bit when he gets back?

Sheele turned her head to give her friend a questioning look.

Sheele- why do you want to talk to him?

Mine- I want some pointers on martial arts techniques and not only that he's actually really relaxing to talk to.

Sheele smiled at her friend

Sheele- I don't see why not.

Mine- that's  good

Sheele stopped run and Mine stopped as well.

Mine- sheele what's wrong?

Sheele- I need to tell you something

Sheele didn't want to keep her friend in the dark any more she wanted her to know the truth.

Sheele- Mine this is the last mission I'm going to be able to go on for a while...... I'm Pregnant.

Mine looked at her friend for a few seconds before she smiled.

Mine-  How far along are you when did you find out?

Sheele- I'm about a month and a 1/2 along.

Mine-  Does Anakin know?

Sheele- yes I told him last night before he left.

Sheele and Mine begin to run again

Mine- He better takes good care of you and the baby. Everybody at the base is gonna be so happy for you there'll be some that are annoyed that you're leaving but it's understandable.

Seryu Ubiquitous weighted in the trees waiting for just the right moment two female targets were running towards her position she was ready the deliver Justice. As the two came closer she and koro jumped from the tree. Mine and Sheele react in an instant jumping away from the crater that had just been made. Seryu holds up a wanted poster of Sheele

Seryu- your Sheele of night raid and judging by your friend's weapon she's also from night raid I am Seryu Ubiquitous and I am here to deliver Divine judgment upon you.

Seryu notices the necklace that Sheele was wearing she had a strange feeling that she had seen it before she pushed the thought out of her mind it didn't make any bit of difference. The wanted posters for night raid said dead or alive so she didn't have to hold back at all.

Seryu- it's time night raid

A/Y pov

The planet that I was on was amazing but what was more amazing was the temple that I found myself in several men women and children creatures that I had never seen before walked in this temple.

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