part 7 Darkness

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A/Y pov

Three days went by without too much of an incident. Me Sheele Mine and Bulat would be going on a mission to annihilate a nobleman. Tatsumi was rather pissed that he was being left behind but due to the fact that he had very little to no battle experience, it made sense. As I walk to the kitchen I saw that he was making food with Akame she was still emotionally shut off to him. Sheele had mentioned that she used to be an assassin for the Imperial military and that she had gone through extremely brutal training but for the most part, she was just awkward around new people and didn't know how to act. Though it was annoying it was understandable as long as he could sense her actual intentions he didn't care if she ever opened up to him. As we were about to leave Mine decide to give Tatsumi shit.

Mine- you look right home in the kitchen

Tatsumi- WHAT WAS THAT??

Mine- make sure there's plenty of food for us when we get back.

Tatsumi- bro you guys are leaving

Bulat- yeah we got an assignment so we're going to go take care of it.

Tatsumi- but why is A/Y going? He's new here just like I am.

Bulat- true but he has more battle experience than you do.

I turned my head to face the young boy.

A/Y- don't worry about it I'm certain you and I will get the opportunity to work together on a different assignment.

With everything said and done we left on our journey it would take us a day and a half to reach our destination. We ran at a smooth paste luckily we traveled light with only a little bit of rations. After running for seven and a half hours we stopped for a small break. In my time with night raid I had noticed Mine had a small connection to Sheele almost like a mother-daughter relationship. I didn't know anything about Mine and her past and I didn't think it was any of my business to know unless she wanted me to know as I was thinking this the young pink-haired girl walked up to me.

Mine- I get the impression you don't like to open up that much do you?

A/Y- isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black?

Mine- You've got talent Sheele tells me that you were part of the Revolutionary Army before she joined. But I have my doubts I feel like you're after something completely different than the rest of us.

A/Y- what if I am is that a problem?

Mine- I don't have a problem with it so long as you don't compromise our missions.

A/Y- I've been doing this a lot longer than you and I've lost my fair share friends. You give Tatsumi shit because he's not like us yet.

Mine- he's clueless and doesn't know what he's doing at least you do.

A/Y- remember we all started out as newbies before we got good at what we do you should consider giving him a chance.

Mine- I hold my right to criticize him when I want.

A/Y- I got a question for you?

Mine- what is it?

A/Y- is having a poor attitude to make up for the fact that you're completely flat-chested?

Mine- gggrrrr WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!!!!????

A/Y- oh nothing just pointing out a flaw in your personality.

Before Mine could slap A/Y Bulat stepped between the two of them.

Bulat- okay that's enough play nice you two

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