part 47 the lake

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A/Y pov

The plan was simple the plan to be executed easily but I felt this dark Sense come over me as if something was going to happen. My nights have been plagued with nightmares things that didn't make sense to me. Was it the past was it the present was it the future? They were the same kind of nightmares I got right before Sheele died. I couldn't make sense of them and my ability to talk to Sheele had been cut off at least for the time being. I hope the Jaegers we're going to be making their way towards the main headquarters of the path of peace. Me and Luna had left the base earlier that week I hated hiding out in the woods waiting for everything to come together but it gave me a chance to go through my combat training and it gave Luna time to set her sniper's rifle to the precise calibration that she would need to fire she would be running decoy why I would be in the front lines with the Jaegers. This double agent thing was also getting old I still wanted to get revenge on Mine if the opportunity presented itself then I would take it without hesitation. Through the force, I could feel all the members of night raid. Their mood was joyful even happy except for two particular people I couldn't tell who they were but one of them was worried about something while the other one was trying to be comforting. While I was thinking Luna ripped me out of my concentration.

Luna- A/Y when are we going to move out?

A/Y- tomorrow morning remember what I said don't be a hero and don't shoot to kill we shoot to Cripple that is it.

Luna looked at me her blue eyes seemingly boring into me as if to read my very soul.

Luna- are you sleeping all right I heard you talking in your sleep last night?

A/Y does a half-hearted smile

A/Y- it's ok

Luna still eyed him suspiciously decide not to push it.

Luna- I'm going to do some target practice.

A/Y- very well I'm going to go Scout ahead.

A/Y turned away from Luna and headed towards his Speeder bike there were some mountains that weren't that far away he could get a good bird's eye view. And perhaps see some enemies as A/Y rode on the bike the world seems to slow down or speed up everything that was supposed to happen was happening the Teigu we're losing their powers my powers in the force were increasing. He was so close now so very close to bringing Sheele back. As he came to the foot of the mountain he began to climb upwards a few danger beasts got in his way but with a little bit of persuasion with the force and they left. After A/Y reach the top of the mountain he peered through the macro binoculars he brought with them there wasn't too much to see there was a beautiful leg far below him. Through the force, he could sense that people wear their but he didn't want to pay too much attention. Putting his eyes up to the binoculars he looked in the direction.

A/Y- my target is there Sheele wait for me.

Down at a cliff overlooking the lake. Najenda address is her two subordinates.

Najenda- we have received word from the rebel spies the Jaegers are on the move all of them. Everything is proceeding as planned we're moving into the next stage of the operation. You two know what to do.

Mine/Akame- Rodger that.

At the lake

Chelsea and Leone are splashing and playing in the water while being drooled over by Lubbock.

Lubbock- well it's a rare sight to see the girls in their swimsuit looking sexy

Tatsumi- stop drooling over the girls Lubbock it's not helping remember we're on a mission.

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