part 51 path

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Chelsea's pov

I awoke in a strange room it appears that I was in a small house of some kind. The last thing that I remember was looking into Anakin's dark blue eyes as he waived his black-gloved hand in front of my face. It was dark outside but there were lights coming from the other room slowly I rolled out of the bed and made my way to the doorway and opened it partially just enough so I could see. On the other side of the door, I saw Anakin sitting out of workbench welding something together. A small girl with blond hair sitting quietly in the corner and robed figures on either side bustling through one doorway and out the other. As if by an invisible force the door is pulled open the young blonde-headed girl looks up at me before looking back down again her eyes were red as if she had been crying for a long time. One of robed figures looked at me before returning to whatever task they were doing. Anakin was the first to speak up.

Anakin- you can join the rest of us if you want to.

I left the confines of the room and walk towards the workbench that he was sitting at. On the workbench, it appeared that he was constructing a new prosthesis just a hand. On the other side was a hilt of same kind but a little bit different than the weapon that he carried but a similar design none the less. As if hearing my thoughts Anakin spoke.

Anakin- I can't give Tatsumi back his hand so hopefully, he'll appreciate the prosthetic I'm building. And as for the lightsaber I destroyed Akame in Rage so this is to replace it.

Chelsea- why did you get in the way I had a Target and you got in the way of my mission you had no right.

Anakin put down the equipment and turns to look Chelsea in the eyes.

Anakon- if I didn't you were going to be killed.

Chelsea- you don't know that for a fact.

Anakin- I do know that and maybe I should show you what I saw.

Anakin stood up to his full height he towered over Chelsea his figure was imposing, to say the least to her. Lifting up his right hand he placed it on Chelsea's forehead. The very moment is gloved hand touched her forehead Chelsea started to see visions of her having her fingers shot off Gaia Foundation being destroyed her right arm being completely cut off and then being decapitated by one of Kurome's puppets and finally Tatsumi discovering her decapitated head. Anakin lowered his hand and as he did Chelsea fell down to her knees the pain in the vision was horrified for her to look at Anakin had seen her death he had seen all of this.

Anakin- do you understand now why I interfered?

Chelsea couldn't answer she couldn't even look up to look him in the face. Anakin turn back to his workbench and continued with what he was doing.

Anakin- you're probably hungry Fal and you should get something to eat night raid will be here by Nightfall.

Chelsea felt a small hand on her shoulder the young blonde-headed girl Fal motion for her to follow her. The two girls left the room and walked downstairs to where the other troops were eating. The two girls got themselves food and sat down and quietly began to eat. The food tasted strange to Chelsea but at the same time, it was very nourishing she looked over at the girl sitting across from her not wanting the silence to go on she decided to prod.

Chelsea- so your name is Fal?

The young blonde-headed girl looked up at Chelsea before responding.

Fal- yes

Chelsea- can I ask you something?

Fal- go-ahead

Chelsea- how come your eyes are so red what happened?

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