part 48 battle

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Luna pov

I felt so nervous for today's events Anakin had screamed all last night when I confronted him about it he blew it off as if it was nothing. The only thing he said was for me to be careful and not be a hero. I had set up a sniper's position on the far side of a cliff overlooking night raid they were waiting for the Jaegers to show up if Esdeath was with them they were screwed. Anakin had told me not to worry but still, I worried.Tomoyo was with night raid to try to work on keeping them safe. Just then Anakin roused me from my thoughts.

Anakin- Luna get ready they're on their way.

Luna looks in the direction of three horses approaching it was the Jaegers but only three of them and Esdeath was not among them. Luna's heartbeat started to go up faster and faster.

Anakin- don't be afraid

Luna looked at him with a worried look.

Anakin- as long as you stay far enough away nothing will happen to you.

Luna- I understand.

Anakin puts his left arm on Luna's shoulder his actual flesh-and-blood one and gave her a comforting squeeze

Anakin- May the force be with you.

And just like that Anakin turned on his heel and disappeared into the Woods. I peered through the scope of my rifle to look at the Jaegers this was going to be a tough fight for night raid.

Akame's pov

When we spring our trap we were able to send one Jaeger flying he wasn't the primary target so it wasn't a big deal. But now I look into the eyes of my little sister wondering what is going through her mind. Before we left our headquarters in the woods I brought along my lightsaber. I didn't understand why I didn't really have a reason to but something told me I needed it today. The one they call
Bols was the first one to speak.

Bols- night raid they're all here so the rumors we heard of you heading to the east that was all a lie.

Najenda- Bols and Kurome even from within the jaegers you two are prime targets prepare yourselves.

Bols internal thoughts- primary targets I knew this day would come eventually with all the people I've burned. But I'm not prepared to die.

Bols raises up his Teigu preparing to fight. Akame can feel the tension in the air but her mind and eyes are not focused on Bols she focuses on her little sister. Kurome smiles with anticipation.

 Kurome smiles with anticipation

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Kurome- sis

Akame- Kurome

Kurome- thank God I've been looking forward to this moment for a long time if I cut you down I can add you to yatsufusa's collection.

Both Akame and Kurome draw their Teigu. Kurome activates her weapons ability and corpse is slowly start to come out of the ground.

Kurome- I've improved a lot sister since the last time you saw me I can even control S Class danger Beast. You know the old saying when people with Teigu do battle one of them ends up dying I wonder how many of you will die before this is all over.

 Akame Ga Kill ( The World Between Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now