part 53 lord

240 7 7

Anakin's pov

I had sent most of the soldiers back to the capital leaving me and Obi-Wan Kenobi. I allowed Fal to return with the rest of the troop she didn't need to see what was going to happen as the day seem to go by the snail's pace I found myself wandering around the district near the path of peace headquarters something felt off it felt cold but I couldn't understand why. I tried not to pay much attention as I walked through the marketplace. I often would buy food supplies for me and Obi-Wan thought we were capable of killing danger peace the ones that lived out here in the region weren't exactly the most edible. Tomoyo was still with night raid I would be lying to myself if I said I wasn't worried about her. As I walked down another street corner off to one side I saw a familiar head of pink hair. Mine and Tatsumi and Chelsea and Tomoyo were out perhaps collecting Recon information a lot like what I was doing. As I looked at Mine debating whether or not I wanted to kill her or not Tomoyo's eyes met my eyes and whatever thought I had of killing Mine vanished at that moment. The eyes she gave me were different than the eyes she had given me days earlier rather than being hateful or even prideful the eyes she gave me now wear something of an understanding. Not wanting to make things awkward I simply pulled up the hood of my robe over my head and went down an alleyway away from night raids members perhaps staying by the old ruins out side the city would make me feel better.

Tomoyo's pov

Anakin's eyes seemed drained when I saw him he looked like he hadn't slept for days. In the marketplace, he Blended in with everybody in a way perhaps he came across as a holy man. Neither Mine nor Tatsumi noticed him but Chelsea had seen him. For a moment I felt like I should say something anything but as suddenly as he had appeared he simply disappeared down an alleyway not wanting to make conversation.

Mine- hay Chelsea Tomoyo what's up you two look like you've seen a ghost.

Tomoyo was about to say something but Chelsea cut her off.

Chelsea- its nothing I'm just thinking.

Tomoyo looked at Chelsea and she smiled at the Jedi. Mine looked at the girls before turning back to Tatsumi who I ran into one of the stands to buy the 4 of them ice cream.

Tatsumi- let's try to relax and not draw unwanted attention to ourselves.

Mine Chelsea and Tomoyo looked at the brown glove that he now wore on his right hand to cover up his prosthetic even though the entire situation had only happened two days earlier it was still hard to believe that his hand was gone.

Mine- yeah you're right let's keep moving on we need to check out the town and see what's going on. And map out possible Escape Routes in case of emergency.

Tomoyo kept her eyes on the alleyway that Anakin had gone down.

Mine's internal thoughts- he's really changed a lot he's becoming more Boulder more confident in his skills. Bulat would be proud of the steps that he's taking despite his injuries he still pushing on.

As Mine was thinking Chelsea decide to ask a question although Mine had also wanted to ask she thought it inappropriate at the time.

Chelsea- Tatsumi does that hurt?

Tatsumi looked down at his gloved hand before flexing his fingers opening and closing it into a fist.

Tatsumi- it doesn't hurt as bad as I thought it was going to don't get me wrong I'm still mad that I lost my hand but I didn't lose my life. And it was for a good reason I was saving a friend and a comrade.

Mine blushed a little bit after hearing Tatsumi's small little speech.

As the 4 of them continue to walk onwords exploring the town Tomoyo could feel that somebody was watching them from the rooftops and perhaps they were an enemy but they were not posing a threat yet. She wasn't going to raise any alarms unless it was absolutely necessary it was obvious that though their methods differed Anakin was simply fighting a battle that he believed was right she was now starting to see his point of View.

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