part 11 the ones part 2

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A/Y pov

Me and Akame and Tatsumi make our way to the structure at a distance it looked slightly unusual but as we got closer we realize just how unusual this place was and how unusual the structure was. We had noticed there were two other structures on the left the land was filled with darkness and everlasting storms on the right light permeated everything but the structure we were heading towards was flat in the middle and it always looked like the two sides were fighting for Domination. The light and the dark neither one being able to gain a foothold over the other one. As I reached out with my Powers I could feel the power that was circling around us. If we were on a different planet like the strange woman said then what exactly was this power and why was I the only one from my world to possess it or have a small knowledge of it? The question swam around in my mind as we started to climb up the very long staircase to The Fortress. As we start to climb to the top I became very well aware of a being at the very top of the stairs who watched as we climbed up. At first, I couldn't quite make him out. He was wearing all-black though as we got to the top something about him made my blood freeze.

The person standing before us had corpse gray skin and glowing red eyes his demeanor suggested that he was somebody of unbelievable power who held real Authority

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The person standing before us had corpse gray skin and glowing red eyes his demeanor suggested that he was somebody of unbelievable power who held real Authority. Was this man the father that the strange woman spoke of.

????- oh so the power I sensed came from you three how interesting we haven't had guests here in centuries.

Without even a second thought or hesitation both me and Akama drew our strange weapons and activated the blades. My blade was a blue color Wala Akame produced a green. Tatsumi also Drew his blade.

????- I see that you don't seem to trust me perhaps your instincts serve you well.

The being before us raised up his right hand and moved it down and just as quickly as our blades activated they disappeared back into the hilts.

????- there is no need for such crude implements here.

A/Y- what are you?

????- you will come to know me very well young one perhaps better than you probably like.

Without a second word the figure before it jumped into the air and flew towards the dark land leaving me Akame and Tatsumi with more questions than answers. The three of us tracked the figure for as long as we could before he completely disappeared into the darkness of the land.

Akame- we are officially in over our heads.

A/Y- we've come this far there's no turning back now.

I reattach the weapon to my belt and continue to walk forward followed quickly by the other two. As we enter The Fortress we come to the realization that this place was very sparse there was not much in the way of furniture or anything else like that.

 As we enter The Fortress we come to the realization that this place was very sparse there was not much in the way of furniture or anything else like that

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 Akame Ga Kill ( The World Between Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now