part 36 infiltrator

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Anakin's pov

The time was getting closer and closer they would be leaving soon Anakin could feel conflict within the force itself. There was something that was happening that he could not see Shadows that moved. Obi-Wan has stated that my mind should be on my task Here and Now where it belongs but I couldn't help but think about my mother and my early childhood. There was so much to it that I didn't understand and there was so much that still remained a mystery I could barely remember my own mother or my father for that matter. Strangely though I only had a memory of my mother and a very large desert. Night raid was close by I could feel them through the force I did not mind them being in the same space but there was also someone among them that I could feel a familiar presence. They were coming closer to the base not that that meant much the rest of the soldiers were already getting ready to leave. The only ones that were left the collect were Tomoyo and Air. Anakin went into a training area that get set up with Obi-Wan you would practice his lightsaber training skills before leaving.

Air pov

As I walked back to the base camp my nerves were on edge I felt so scared and I felt also hollowness that I was going to betray my master betrays his Trust. Even though what night raid said to me made sense it still felt wrong betraying my masters Trust. As I got closer to the base the small little furball that I was holding was moving uncomfortably in my arms. Chelsea had used her Teigu to transform herself into a margue panther kitten. She was small enough to be able to fit in and not be exactly noticed in the base or at least that was what Air was hoping for. As Air got closer to the base she noticed that a lot of the troops had already left there were only now for starfighters left Anakin's Obi-Wan's Tomoyo's and a larger shuttle for her and her friends. It was strange to see the base this quickly evacuated but I guess they really were intending to leave sooner rather than later. As she got in she put Chelsea down so that she could fall out on foot until they got to her quarters when she transformed back to her usual self.

Chelsea- wow it seems like you guys are leaving quite quickly that doesn't give us much time.

Air- I can't feel Anakin's presence it's as if he's disappeared

Chelsea thought for a moment before responding to the young girl.

Chelsea- now he's just choosing not to be filled by anybody right now I can't feel his Aura either.

Air- this is as far as I can go with you though best of luck to you Chelsea.

Chelsea- I got this

With a puff of smoke, Chelsea transforms back into the margue panther kitten. Slowly she walks out the base if you could call it that was nothing more than a small camp set up temporarily. Chelsea hated the fact that she had a somewhat deceive the young girl but it was necessary but she had a strange feeling that the older man and the silver-haired woman all knew that she was lying but they didn't call her out on it. Perhaps they knew that she would fail or perhaps this was a test for Anakin. At Chelsea made her way through the small encampment she started to hear the sound of humming it was a strange sound something she had never heard before in her life. Listening intently she followed the sound. As she walks she wondered how much Anakin a truly changed the Hologram projection had given her a somewhat good look at him but she wondered just how much he had changed? The area she eventually got to was extremely dark except for what appeared to be a blur of motion of blue going in and out of existence at speeds that she couldn't even process through her brain. Small spherical balls flew in the air firing what looked to be energy it reminded her of Mine weapon pumpkin. Only the beans were not nearly as powerful but they were firing faster and quite rapidly each one being deflected back towards the ball. Just then one of the three girls came up behind Chelsea and picked her up.

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