part 41 family

321 10 1

Imperial capital Jeager headquarters

Wave's pov

Though we were hunting danger Beast and we were helping the people of the empire I felt as if I wasn't doing enough. I also didn't like how the regular civilians acted around Bols. The way they looked at him almost seems like a monster. And ever since meeting the minister and that strange figure who called I have been having this feeling of impending doom as if the world that I lived in was going to change in ways I didn't quite understand. Something about our world was changing. I also felt a change in my Teigu it was as if it was losing power. When I tried to talk to Kurome about is she kind of blew me off. But I know that she can sense it too that things are changing in ways we can't even understand. As I was playing a game of chest with Kurome Bols walked into the room with Cups of Tea.

Bols- Wave Kurome the tea is ready

Wave- th- thank you for always doing this for us.

Kurome- thanks

Bols looks at wave the young boy had an aura about him that came off as uneasy.

Bols- Wave what's wrong?

Wave- I'm kind of angry even though we're saving people almost everyone that we come across has looked at you as if you were a monster and you're a good person.

Kurome- you know you're really not one to talk. Didn't you judge him on your first meeting?

Bols- Wave I know I've already said this but I'm not a very nice person I've killed a lot of people burned them alive my hands are stained with blood forever.

Wave- but those were under orders you're not responsible for that.

Bols- sins are sins Wave there is no getting around that there never has been and they never will be.

Wave- look Bols if you ever need to talk to somebody I'll be here

Just then two people walk into the Jaegers meeting room

Kije- oh dear

Logue- Papa

Bols quickly turns to look at the two girls who came in the door.

Bols- oh my what are you two doing here?

Kije- you forgot your lunch silly the one that we made last night.

Logue- Papa you're silly

Kije- I know that you have a very hard job but you need to keep up your stamina and not forget your lunch dear.

Bols- don't worry honey I'll be careful.

Logue- Papa hold me

Bols- all right are you being a good girl for Mommy?

Logue- yes papa

Bols picks up the young girl and places her on my shoulders.

Bols- you see Wave wife and daughter know everything I've done the good and the bad and as long as I have them even in my darkest times I know that I can stand strong.

Bols- you see Wave wife and daughter know everything I've done the good and the bad and as long as I have them even in my darkest times I know that I can stand strong

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