part 17 life and family

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Mine pov

A/Y had been acting weird since he got back from his trip. He hadn't been gone as long as he usually was something that seemed unsettling. Sheele had also been noticing it to but she did everything she could to not bring it up. A/Y and me were training in the courtyard our martial arts skills were vastly different and he was holding back so as not to hurt me using his right arm prosthetic to defend against kicks and punches from me. It was strange he seemed to be more defensive than anything else after about an hour of doing this we took a small break. He brought water so that I could rehydrate myself as we sat there a question came to mind for me.

Mine- Hay A/Y how long have you been with the Revolutionary Army? You seem like you've been doing this most of your life.

A/Y took a sip of his water before answering me

A/Y- going on 10 years now. Why do you ask?

Mine- this all seems extremely mundane for you like you're just going through the motions of life.

A/Y- I see so you're just curious about what my life was before?

Mine- no nothing like that.

A/Y eyed her with a questioning look.

Mine- your Teigu what is it exactly I mean I get the fact that it's an energy sword. But it doesn't seem to do much else

A/Y- oh so that's what you're curious about well to be quite Frank with you it is a sword that is a flexible blade but personally between you and me I think it's just a key.

Mine- what do you mean by a key?

A/Y- scattered throughout the Empire ruins gateway's that open up my Teigu is just one of two keys that are needed. If you believe the Rumours the first emperor was contacted by beings from another world that told him how to make the keys. So when the Teigu we're being made two very specific ones were made. Apparently, they were supposed to be used in a dire situation.

Mine- so the second key do you know where that is?

A/Y looked down at his prosthetic right arm.

A/Y- hopefully I'll find it and I can set certain things right.

Mine looked at him she deduced that it was the second key that had actually cost him his right arm

Mine- what exactly happened?

A/Y- call it a difference of opinion my commanding officer had the second key I had a different way of approaching the situation he didn't like it and when I went to act on my plan he took my arm.

Mine eyes went wide

A/Y- I found out later on that he was from the Empire that he simply was gathering Intel on the Revolutionary Army.

Mine- so what's your plan?

A/Y- simple I'm going to find him and then I'm going to kill him and take the second key.

Mine- you say these gates are all over the empire but there has to be a catch to it?

A/Y- you're right there is a catch to it the most powerful gate is inside the Imperial Palace itself. I doubt the Emperor or the minister understand its significance only those preview to the knowledge will understand its true significance.

Mine- do you know what will happen when the keys are used?

A/Y thought for a little bit before he answered.

A/Y- not exactly there's been speculation about it but I'm simply going off of what I learned and the information is more than a thousand years old.

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