part 28 three angels

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Luna- blue

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Luna- blue. Air- pink. Fal- blond.

Third pov

Three girls sitting in a Carriage as they make their way towards the empire to start their new life. Air the girl with pink hair seems worried.

Air- we're almost at the Capitol I wonder what our new Masters going to be like?

Luna- he's probably an old man. He may be aiming for our bodies like some Beast.

Fal- hhmm if that happens will this kick his ass and run.

Air- OOOO?

Fal- listen to me Air all right? We unlike other Village girls that have been sold off somewhere we are the best out of them we've been chosen to apprentice at the capital. We're going to work hard and find a good man and start a dreaming life in the capital.

Luna- I think you're being too positive about this Fal.

The great Empire that has stood for a thousand years is now becoming corrupt because of the minister who uses the child Emperor as a puppet because of this high taxes have gone throughout the land to the point that family sell their children into bondage in order to pay off debt. But I'm more Insidious plan is happening behind the scenes because of The Minister's new allies corruption is being ramped up and more and more children are sold into bondage sometimes they get good Masters other times they suffer Fates worse than death. However for the case of the three girls who are making their way to the Capitol the faith they would suffer would have been worse than death however things have changed in ways that they can not imagine.

Imperial capital

Air is the last one to get off the carriage the capital seemed suspiciously cold for some very weird reason to her. The street seemed also to be a little bit empty to one side she noticed a man dressed in dark brown robes the Hood drawing over his head standing nearby. The robe he wore made him seem almost like a holy man perhaps a priest of some kind.

Air's internal thoughts- is he our new master?

Bach- hello there I'll be your new master I'm Bach

Air took note of the man standing before them. He had light brown hair and Amber eyes. He was wearing a red jacket and a red tie with a white shirt and black pants. His voice and mannerisms seemed very friendly. Fal eyes the man from a distance.

Fal's internal thoughts- he's a young man

Bach- now come with me

Air looked back over to where the robed figure had been only to see that he had disappeared Without a Trace quickly she scanned the area trying to see if she could find him but to no avail. Quickly she runs to catch up with her other two friends who were already following their new master. 30 minutes later the three found themselves in the Imperial marketplace with their new master

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