part 4 trouble on the road

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A/Y pov

As I got further away from the imperial capital I had a sense of something calling out to me. The voice that was calling to me was soothing relaxing hypnotic in a way something I hadn't experienced before not for a very long time I couldn't describe it even if I wanted to. When I originally describe the voice to my commanding officer he said that it was the call of the Void or the call of the fate. I didn't quite understand quite what he meant by the call of the Void but whatever it was it was pointing me in the direction I needed to go I doubled my efforts and start to run it would take me two days to reach my  destination if I kept this up I would have to go through certain assassination tribes before I got to it. As I stopped for the night I went up into a tree and pulled out my military rations the food was terrible but it was better than nothing. As I settled in for the night I thought of my wife I thought about Sheele she changed a lot in the three years I had been gone. She's grown more beautiful in the time I've been gone and she obviously become a better Warrior in that time as well and she also managed to get herself a Teigu. It would be good to see her after everything is said and done. Slowly I passed out in the trees allowing my mind to drift just a little bit. Early the next morning I was awoken to the sound of footsteps somebody was coming. I could hear voices from the sound of it the conversation was interesting.

Assassin- with the Revolutionary Army and the Empire gearing up to fight each other it's signed to make profit am I, right boys.

Assassin 2- if we can find night raid's base it would be a fortune to anybody in the Empire.

Assassin 3- you're speaking like we would live to be able to collect it if the information wasn't good in their opinion they kill us or torture us to death

The Assassins had a point if they did find night raid base it would be a fortune and they would pay double if they could get their hands on at least one of the members. I'd simply decided that I'd heard enough slowly I removed my Teigu from my belt and slowly moved down from the tree. Unfortunately, I wasn't quite enough one of the Assassins heard me.

Assassin 1- who the fuck

In a blitz of speed, the other two assassins could do nothing but watch as their partner was cut in two pieces first below the knees causing the man to fall forward with a sudden upswing decapitating him instantly. My Teigu was nothing extremely special to onlookers it was nothing more than a piece of wood that produced a blue blade that could extend an act both as a shield and as a good weapon.

Before the other two assassins could react and raise their weapons I moving my blade and shot across the battlefield slicing one directly in half while the other one was impaled through the skull both of them drop dead instantly

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Before the other two assassins could react and raise their weapons I moving my blade and shot across the battlefield slicing one directly in half while the other one was impaled through the skull both of them drop dead instantly. Judging from their clothes they came from an assassination tribe that was common in this area looking on the map I decided that it would be better if I went in a slightly different direction it was a shortcut but it would also bring me into contact with the countryside's danger beasts. But at the same time, I would be able to avoid more of the assassination tribes.

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