part 20 Death

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The rain was coming down very hard in the imperial capital at the 3rd military police barracks civilians bustled in and out with their usual complaints. On this particular night, a new recruit sits at the front desk dealing with a very manic woman who said that she saw a member of night raid go through the streets.

Women- I'm telling you it was one of those murderers you're the Imperial police you're supposed to do something.

The new recruit having worked for nearly 15 hours non-stop without taking a break except to take a piss and was extremely annoyed and extremely exhausted.

Imperial Guard- ma'am like I've been telling you for the past 15 minutes fill out a statement and then it will be processed.

The lightning outside the building sent ripples through the structure itself as if the weather was signaling some pending doom. As the woman kept babbling on the Imperial Guard became aware that the doors were slowly opening as lightning flashed outside a man dressed in long robes his hood thrown over his head was walking in. The man seemed unremarkable he was brought shouldered and probably stood a little bit over 2 m tall. his face what little the guard could see was completely pale he almost looked like he was on the verge of passing out. As he walks completely into the station getting out of the rain the door shut behind him with an invisible force. The man slowly made his way up to the counter as he walked droplets of water fell behind him or at least that was what people thought until they looked down the droplets were red. Quickly one of the guards moved from behind the counter to ask the man if he was all right if he was bleeding.

Guard- sir are you alright have you been in an accident?

The Stranger seemingly ignores the question and instead posed the question of his own.

????- I am looking for Seryu Ubiquitous could you tell her that a friend wishes to see her. I was told that she was to report here after her assignment.

All the regular civilians and the military guard went quiet there was something very off about the stranger.

Guard- I'm sorry sir but Seryu was injured very badly in a fight tonight she's receiving medical care she won't be back here for at least a month.

????-  may I ask another question there was a necklace that the member of night rate was wearing when she was killed I was wondering is it still here?

The guards start to move some of them reaching for their weapons others trying to get the civilians close by the door.  The commander of the military police came out from behind the desk looking the man up and down.

Commander- I don't know who you are or what you want but I suggest you say your peace right now before you bite off more than you can...

That was as far as the police commander got in his statement before a beam of blue plasma ripped through his guts and with one movement of the man's left hand flung the body to the side. The Stranger raised up his right hand that was gloved and moved it down slowly all the windows closed in the building and the lights above everybody seem to dim. From the man's left hand a bar of blue energy emerged. And in a very nonchalant voice, The Stranger said.

???-  There will be no witnesses

A/Y pov

I heard screams but they meant nothing I heard please for mercy but I gave none. I had never noticed it until now but the smell of burnt flesh and melting metal had an interesting scent to it. It was almost addicting the first to fall was the Military commander officer I bisected him. The others that fell were the civilians that were around. The next group was the prisoners. They were so full of hope that I was going to spring them out my blade slowly moved across the locks The burning metal made my blood race. All of them try to put up a decent fight but ultimately they were no match for my power some of them were impaled some of their bodies were mangled by telekinetic pushes others I just picked up and ripped limbs off. I was completely in a haze not realizing the time that had passed slowly after several minutes of walking around I came across two survivors a woman and her child. The woman held her son close to her she had the mark of a slave.

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