part 57 operation part 3

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Third-person pov

Dooku walked up the stairs heading towards the Lord's room his cape billowing behind him. He hated the fact he was stuck on such a disgusting planet with such Savage people if it wasn't for his master's overall plan he would have nothing to do with it. Dooku could feel the presence of another following him. But he didn't much care he would kill the boy after he was done with the Lord. Dooku reach the top of the stairs and opened the door surprisingly enough the Lord sat on a chair at the far end of the room Dooku walked in and use the force to close the door behind him.

Dooku- my master suspicions about you were correct you have the gift of foresight

The lord- yes that is true in some perspectives.

Dooku- and yet you did not run.... why?

The lord- even if I had run away your master would have hunted me to the edge of the Galaxy. And tens of millions would have died to protect me.

Dooku- so you put the well-being of others over your own self-worth how unbelievably stupid of you.

The lord- I have nothing more to say to you do what you've come here to do.

In a flurry of motion, Dooku grabs the curved Hilt of his lightsaber a red blade comes to life.

Dooku- I'll make it as painless as possible.

The old man smiles as he walks forward.

The lord- the Sith always betray one another but you'll find that out soon enough.

Dooku paused for a split-second looking down at the strange man before he swung his blade straight down across the man's chest killing him instantly.

Dooku- well that puts an end to that.

Just then through the force, Dooku felt a disturbance coming from behind him the presents that had been following him. In an instant, he brought his lightsaber to guard deflecting what could only be described as feathers.

Run- it was a good thing that I followed you in the name of the Empire you're going to be executed, count Dooku.

Dooku laughed at the younger man.

Dooku- boy you couldn't even hold me even if you wanted to and I don't answer to your Authority. Or the authority of this worthless Planet. You should know by now but it's over with your Empire is going to fall by the end of the night.

Before Run can process what he was being told the older man moves the red blade carving a hole right through his right shoulder. Run screams out in pain before seeing the man's hands become hooked like talons on a danger Beast before blue tendrils of lightning blast out into his body. Run's body dropped to the ground he wasn't dead but in an enormous amount of pain it felt like every cell in his body had been completely lit up as if he had been on fire.

Run- are you

Run struggle to speak the pain of not only his shoulder but the electricity that had gone through his body was unbearable.

Dooku- I am the future of the entire galaxy boy unfortunately you won't live to see it.

Dooku lifted up his left hand to deliver another bolt of electricity before hearing the very familiar sound of another lightsaber humming down the hallway. Dooku could make out the body of the individual as well as the blue blade.

Dooku- we meet again young Skywalker.

Run in his near-death state looked down the hall to see Anakin standing just at the other end his blue blade humming. Dooku allowed his cape to fall to the ground so it wouldn't get in the way of his arm movements.

Dooku- before we begin I should probably remove this annoying little toad so he's not a bother to us.

Before Anakin can react Dooku reaches out with the force and grabs Run by his neck snapping it in half. Runs last dying thoughts were the students that had been slaughtered at his school how he had never been able to get revenge for them and before he knew it he circum to death.

Anakin looked at Run the man had been his friend or as close to a friend as he allowed himself to have.

Anakin- why kill him he was already beaten he was of no threat to you?

Dooku- he was weak he got what he deserved.

Anakin- so that's how you think you know the very people you call weak could end up destroying you one day.

Dooku looked at him before the younger man lunged at him his blade Held High the deliver a powerful strike. The boy was an amateur he still had a lot to learn Sidious wanted him alive but there was no harm in toying with him at least for the time being. Dooku did nothing but defend against the onslaught that this boy was dishing out. Dooku surmised that the boy was a form 5 specialist and he was rather good at it a little bit more training and he would probably be able to beat Dooku in a flat-out fight one day. But for now, it would be fun just to toy with him. Dooku reached out with the force and grabbed the young man's Teigu drawing it towards his own connecting them in an instance of Shockwave went out a Shockwave that did what it had to do.

Anakin- what did you just do???

Dooku- it's over with everything related to the Teigu has just been destroyed. You should be happy to the normal beings of this planet where gods young Skywalker.

Anakin- I don't care about the other Teigu I just want the two that you have.

Dooku smirked at the young boy.

Dooku- you're trying to open up the Gateway?

Anakin disengage from their lightsaber duel and backed away.

Anakin- how do you know about the Gateway?

Dooku- the Sith have long since known about it and have craved it's power it's not just the pathway between the living and the dead it's so much more. Even now as I say these words this planet is being focused into the Galaxy where I'm from boy. And the Gateway will only open for a short period of time.

Anakin began his attack again hitting with more veracity more strength and more power Dooku smiled internally to himself. He understood the boy would never ever get what he wanted he would always be a slave to his emotions and always a slave to somebody else's goals. Dooku wondered how his Master was fairing if he had to make a prediction his master's should be landing at the Imperial Palace right about now. He honestly wishes he could see the look on the minister and the emperor's face as his master butchered them like cattle.

Anakin- give me the Teigu.

Dooku smile the boy was so focused on getting the two remaining Teigu to open up the Gateway successfully Sidious was right this boy was way to easy to manipulate at face value. Dooku wondered how many people he must have killed in order to get relative information to sell a deception. However many it was chances were high that even if the war is won by the Revolutionary Army he would be exiled if not executed if he didn't get off the planet immediately for his crimes.

Anakin pov

The old man was fast he was drawing on the force in order to stay one step ahead of him a few times he had left himself open but his lightsaber skills were far better than his at the moment. Even though I was completely in tuned to the force listening to its currents allowing it to guide my hand on which way to block and which way to attack it always felt like the old man was one step ahead of me all the time. As our fight Preston, I could see to one side of the hall Akame was fighting Esdeath. She was holding her own at least over a little bit to the corner I could see a body slumped over on the ground it was Lubbock he appeared to have been stabbed through the chest. Hopefully, Esdeath met her end today but I couldn't help Akame. If i didn't get my hands on the Teigu all killing all the sacrifices I have made would be for nothing. As I kept pressing the attack I became very well aware of an extreme cold coming not from here but from the other side of the planet something horrible was coming.

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