part 6 Love and Fear

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A/Y pov

After explaining to Sheele where I had been and what I've been up to and what had happened to my right arm she was unsurprisingly extremely pissed. But ultimately she understood that the mission had to come first that I had to put the needs of the Revolution above my own needs. Najenda was a different story altogether although she knew of me she was not exactly thrilled with the fact that the Revolutionary Army put me directly under her command and in her point of view it was the Revolutionary Army sticking its nose into her personal assassination unit. But ultimately she agreed that it would be better for me to stay. After a very good meal and some time to get to know everybody, I retired for the night. Sheele although was happy to have me back she couldn't help looking at my right arm that was now just mechanical my arm had gotten severed from just below the elbow. I had taken off my jacket and my long sleeve shirt and slipped into some sweatpants to sleep. Sheele walked into the room wearing her normal nightgown that she had worn when I first met her.

Sheele- can you take off your prosthetic right arm?

A/Y- no... I can take off the armor that is around it but I can't take it off it's connected to my muscle tissue.

Sheele looked at it

Sheele- does it hurt?

A/Y- not as much as it used to.

Sheele walks to the window the moonlight makes her look more beautiful then I remembered. Her soft eyes look back at me for a long moment we stay silent simply looking at each other. slowly she moves her hand up to the corner of her nightgown and lets it fall to the side and then the other side.  The moonlight makes her skin almost glow in the dark. My heart starts to beat faster and faster in anticipation of what is to come. I go to her side I look into her eyes slowly I bend my head down and kiss her passionately. Sheele wrapped her arms around me I could feel her bearskin pressing against my own we both deepened in our kiss slowly we make our way over to the bed. Sheele moves her finger so quickly and pulls down my  Sweatpants and boxers. For the first time in 3 years, I felt complete Sheele looks up at me even without her glasses with me being this close to her she could see me. I  Could feel her moving her hands towards my member To place it at the opening of her wet spot I move closer to her. She moans a little bit and slowly I start to move back-and-forth at a slow pace. I use my real hand to massage her breast causing her to moan just a little bit more.

A/Y- are you ok?

Sheele-  Please keep going don't stop.

I pick up more speed her moan becomes louder as I move in-and-out of her. Sheele wraps her arms and legs around me. I could feel her insides tightening around my member as if her body was telling me not to pull away. Kissed her  I could feel her arms and legs tightening around me she had just climaxed and I knew I wasn't that far behind.

A/Y- Sheele I'm

Sheele kept me close to her

Sheele- inside me

With one last thrust, I came inside her deepest parts. But when I looked down at Sheele to look at my wife what I saw wasn't her I saw a woman with silver hair and gorgeous blue eyes. For a brief second, I pulled away not knowing if what I was seeing what an illusion or something else. the features of the woman reverted back to that of my wife. Sheele hadn't noticed my sudden startledness which probably was for the best I pondered on what I saw but only for a moment before I laid down next to my wife our bare skin exhorbing the cold wind coming through the window.

We Both pull the covers over us I remove the armored around my prosthetic arm so the cold metal doesn't brush up against Sheele. Sheele moves her head to place it directly on my chest she smiles in the only way that she knows how to.

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