part 27 a new Ally

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Anakin pov

Kurome's expression was very much priceless. Not only was she amazed at what she was seeing but her presence in the force also spoke volumes. The sun was beginning to set in the Republic capital Obi-wan stood there observing for all extensive purposes he was just a surprised to see somebody else from my world as I was to see that I had been followed. As the 3 of us seemed to be in a standoff in some matter speaking off to one side I saw somebody. An old man I believe his name was Palpatine. He seemed to be in deep conversation with master Windu upon seeing the 3 of us he excused himself and began to walk over towards us 4 red-robed guards following him. For some odd reason, the color was off-putting in a way. It made Anakin think of the color of blood I looked to my companion that just happened to be with me I bent down to whisper into her ear.

Anakin- Kurome don't do anything that you'll live long enough to regret.

Kurome gives Anakin the death eyes before she goes back to staring at the cityscape.  As the old man slowly made his way to us I put on my best political face.

Palpatine- Master Kenobi I see you have a learner.

Obi-Wan Kenobi looked at the old man. Anakin could tell that there was something very wrong. Obi-wan didn't seem to like this man all that much Anakin didn't know what the story was behind it but there was something there.

Kenobi- yes this is Anakin

Palpatine looked me over as if sizing me up

Palpatine-  Might I have a moment of your paddle one's time? He appears to be very new to the Galactic Republic.

Anakin bowed his head to the chancellor.

Anakin-  I wouldn't mind your excellence but I have a lesson that I have to go to.

Palpatine- Nonsense my boy I've already cleared it with one of your masters. You'll be accompanying me on an errand of mine. Your friend over there by the window can come with us as well.

Kurome and Anakin looked at him  It was an opportunity to see what the planet was like and how things were run but for some reason, Kurome felt uneasy about going anywhere with the old man.

Anakin-  Give me just a minute your excellence.

Anakin looked Kenobi

Anakin- master is this allowed?

Kenobi-  It's just accompanying the chancellor on one of his errands you might learn something so I don't see the harm in it. As a Jedi, our allegiance is to the senate and he is part of the senate.

reluctantly Anakin went with the supreme chancellor. Kurome was about to go with him when a very kind and warm hand touched her shoulder. The young girl looked back up at the hand to see that it was the older Jedi The one that Anakin had been talking to.

Kenobi-  why don't you come with me we can get you something to eat you look hungry.

Kurome couldn't help but smile at the older man there was something so disarming about his voice and his mannerisms. He almost came off like a father figure for a brief moment she didn't care if she went back to her reality she was just happy to have somebody who seemed to care about her.

Kurome- I can't Anakin is

Kenobi- Anakin is your way home? Do not worry I'll make sure that he takes you back.

Kurome walks with Obi-wan Kenobi as they make their way towards the cafeteria. As they walked Kurome could feel that this temple radiated something she couldn't quite put into words but if she had to put it into words it would be peace. she also noticed dozens of children teenagers people that were no older than her or her sister darting throughout the temple. as if hearing her thoughts Kanobi clarified what she was seeing.

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