part 60 Sheele's return

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Mine pov

Me and Tatsumi were picked up after our mission was complete. The war in many perspectives was now over with as we made our way back to the imperial capital. Anakin stayed quiet the whole ride the two Imperial arms in his hands the keys to the world Between Worlds. Akame had killed  Esdeath now all that remained was the minister and the child Emperor once they were dealt with the war would truly be over or at least that's what I thought. Before we were picked up I had finally confessed my feelings for Tatsumi and he had returned the feelings to me. I couldn't help but feel so happy if it wasn't for the looming dread I felt from Anakin. He was still held me responsible for Sheele's death I could still feel his dark eyes looking at me. What was just as troublesome was the fact that Anakin had lost contact with his troops that he had sent back to the imperial capital.

Najenda- Are we almost at the Capitol?

Anakin- we should be back in 15 minutes.

Leone- imagine if we had to actually walk back that would have been a pain.

Akame- these things do make good time.

Chelsea- what do we do once we hit the capitol

Anakin- I have no idea what the rest of you are up to but I'm going to try and make contact with my allies.

Chelsea- we can come with you and help

Anakin- that's up to Najenda

Najenda looks at Chelsea in a questioning way

Najenda- do as you please Chelsea but meet us back at the palace when your business is concluded.

The rest of the journey went by in somewhat silence until master  Kenobi spoke up.

Kenobi- we have a lock on the troops they're homing beacons are coming from with inside the Imperial Palace.

Anakin- all right then we'll head to the Imperial Palace.

Anakin called up to the pilot asking him to double-time it.

The jedi and Anakin along with night raid could feel the acceleration the pilot was extremely capable making speed a priority. Anakin decide to meditate on what time they had left before they got to the Imperial Palace at least it would help him pass the time. The more he reached into the force the more he could probably gauge the situation a lot better. As he started to focus on the events of the day and the future Anakin became perplexed by a vision of a man dressed in pure black assembling a lightsaber. Something about him seemed so familiar and yet so alien. Anakin couldn't quite put his finger on it. Just as quickly as the vision had started it ended captain Fordo was the one to wake him out of his meditation

 Just as quickly as the vision had started it ended captain Fordo was the one to wake him out of his meditation

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Kenobi- Anakin we've arrived

Anakin could see the Imperial Palace in the distance they headed to a empty area and landed. The first thing they notice was the fact that there were no Imperial guards to greet them or pose any threat. As they disembarked from the vehicle they made their way to the Palace at first everything was quiet and calm as they entered the palace they saw signs of a massacre. Bodies were strewn all over the place some of them thrown into the wall some of them crushed and some of them had very distinct marks on them.

 Akame Ga Kill ( The World Between Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now