part 13 the ones part 4

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Akame pov

The ice in his voice was enough to chill any normal human to the bone but more than that the eyes that he had burned with so much hate and disgust. what had he seen that changed him so much? The thing in front of her was not my friend it was not my comrade this was a monster consumed by hatred and unfortunately, he had the power to do almost anything he wanted. Because Tatsumi had sliced across its face giving him a permanent scar his hatred was now redirected towards him Anakin had every intention of killing him. Tatsumi raised his lightsaber into a defensive posture.

Anakin- that won't save you

Anakin extended his left hand lifting Tatsumi in the air and then lifting up his lightsaber directly to where his chest was going to be.

Anakin- if it makes you feel any better you two along with Sheele are the best friends I've ever had in my life.

With one pull with his left hand, Tatsumi was being hurled towards the blade. Akame didn't have time to think she acted on impulse and jumped in between the blade and Tatsumi using the force to push him away. The blade burned through her lower abdomen before it was pulled out of her before Anakin could deliver a killing blow he was Force blown by the father into the wall knocking him unconscious.

Tatsumi- Akame are you ok please speak to me, please.

Father- she is fading I must deal with the chosen one and my son.

The father turns to look at his two children as they are using displays of unbelievable power. Before any of them could really react to the Son produce the blade and plunged it into the daughter. But from the angle of the blade, Tatsumi could tell that he hadn't tried to kill her he only wanted to maim her but it was obvious that the wound was mortal. In anger, the son ran away as quickly as he could. The father was going to give Chase before the daughter moved her hand to stop him.

Daughter- father do not be angry with him it is his nature.

Tatsumi- what about Akame she is dying help her, please

Off to one side, Anakin was slowly regaining Consciousness his eyes still burning with hatred as he picked up the hilt of his weapon.

Anakin- I will not be stopped I can never be stopped.

Father- I know what my son showed you. You can still change what is to happen

Anakin- but I will cause so much pain and suffering and I will lose everything that matters to me.

Father- if there is to be a true balance in the force everything that you have seen must be forgotten forever.

The father lifted up his hand and pointed it directly Anakin with one push of energy of pure light the darkness seems to retreat from Anakin. His eyes closed as if he was in a daze before he shakes his head and opens his eyes again showing the regular blue that they usually were.

A/Y- what the hell happened to me.

Father- we can explain that later your friend needs her help.

A/Y- what

A/Y looks over to see Akame on the ground


A/Y runs quickly to be by her side

A/Y- what happened to her who did this?

Tatsumi was about to answer when the father put a hand on his shoulder motioning for him not to say a word.

Father- with my daughter lost dying wish I shall bring your friend back to the realm of the living I need the help of the chosen one.

The daughter and Akame were laid side-by-side with A/Y standing directly above them.

 Akame Ga Kill ( The World Between Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now