part 26 kurome

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Kurome pov

After we had spoken with the minister and the emperor or should I say Esdeath spoke with them we simply stood there quietly. The figure dressed in dark brown robe that stood to the left of the emperor also stayed quiet his intense stare was unnerving like a predator looking at prey. He didn't seem like he was much of a conversationalist his presence only raised questions among our new group what was even more strange is when the minister told him to go with us and socialize. The look he gave was somewhat questioning if not a little bit hostile but he lamented and simply followed with the rest of us. Esdeath also seems to be taken aback by it as well. But she didn't seem to raise any objections either all of us filed into the new room that had been assigned to us. Wave and Bols had quickly gone to the kitchen to prepare the seafood that Wave had brought from home. Run and Dr.Stylish we're busy talking about God knows what. Seryu was talking with Esdeath while taking glances at the Stranger in the room at the far side of the table. The Stranger though seem to be in deep deep concentration his mind preoccupied with other things.

Seryu- general what about you what have you been doing with your spare time.

Esdeath- mostly hunting and torturing and studying. But at the moment I was thinking of trying my hand and being in love. By the way, has the report on that spare Teigu come in yet

Seryu- the Giants scissor Teigu we retreated from that evil scum that's terrorizing the capital it's sitting at the military barracks right now we haven't found somebody that can correctly sync with it.

Kurome watches The Stranger in the room as he clenched his right hand. Though his face didn't change and she couldn't feel his Aura she could tell that he was angry. For some odd reason nobody else seemed to notice it except her but then again she was actually looking directly at his body language.

Esdeath- if it stays there the minister is eventually going to take it and it's going to end up in his storeroom and that would be a waste. I say we arranged some entertainment to see who can get it.

As Esdeath was speaking the stranger looked down at his belt there was a flashing light nothing to conspicuous. It was morse code it was going so fast that normal people couldn't keep up with it. What little Kurome could make of it was that it was asking him to head down to the catacombs. The stranger got up from his seat and started ahead for the door.

Dr.Stylish- are you not going to stay with us it would be a shame if we didn't all get to know each other?

Wave- Yeah why don't you stay and eat with us.

A/Y- No

His voice felt cold and very much detached from everything around him even more so than Esdeath voice.

A/Y- I must go

The Strangers turn to leave but not before Seryu got up from the table and ran to him.

Seryu- I was hoping that I'd see you again. Do you remember me from the marketplace a few months ago?

A/Y- yes I do

Kurome watched as Seryu pulled out a purple like gem hanging just beneath the man's belt and robes. It was more than likely a necklace of some kind Seryu noticed it as well.

Seryu- That necklace belonged to the night raid scum that I killed. You don't seem like the type that would take trophies on a whim. Why do you have it if you don't mind me asking?

A/Y- My wife was killed by night raid I figured that the more I understand my enemies the more I can defeat and destroy them.

Seryu took a step back as the stranger's eyes bored into her there was something not quite right with the way he was looking at her. True she was used to seeing guys look at her because of her looks but the way he was looking at her had nothing to do with lust it had to do with something far more sinister.

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