part 62 three years

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Tatsumi pov

I walked out of my house it was still in the early hours of the day it was hard to believe that three years had passed since we toppled the Empire on our own homeworld but we did it. In all that time Chelsea had only been out to see us three times once when Me and Mine Akame and her sister and Wave had gotten settled on this planet the other time was when me and Mine had gotten married and the last time was at Mine's funeral. Mine had passed away after giving birth to our daughter in her dying breath she named our daughter Akeno in honor of her friend. Akame comfort me the best she could for a year-and-a-half helping me raise Akeno. Because of the war Skywalker never came to visit us he was always fighting on the front lines there was never a break he had grown into such a legend. Chelsea  Had gotten married in this time as well to a Republic soldier. She complained that he was gone all the time but of course there was very little she could do about it the time they could spend together was a few weeks at a time. At least it was something better than nothing. After our planet got pulled into the new Galaxy separatist invaded our home planet almost  reducing it to cinders Najenda had raleigh the Revolutionary Army and what remained of the Imperial Army against the droids she died heroically on the battlefield. The Republic forces eventually got to our planet but they were too late the separatist had done their damage. As I continued my walk I looked out at the ocean it was always beautiful to see it as the sun starts to rise. Eventually, reach my destination and drops down to one knee I had decided to bury Mine within walking distance of the house so that way Akeno could visit her mother anytime she wanted.

Tatsumi- hay Mine it's been awhile Akeno is getting so big now she'll be 3 in a couple of months you'd be so proud of her she's as smart as you. I already know we talked about it before you die but I just wanted to let you know that's Akeno might be having a younger brother or younger sister soon. I hope that you're okay with that I know that we didn't get a lot of time together I want you to know that I will always love you and that there will always be a place in my heart for you.

Tatsumi stands to his full height and looks down on his wife's gravestone flexing his prosthetic right hand.

Tatsumi- until we meet again my love.

Tatsumi slowly walked back to his house. It wasn't much but it was home none the less.

Tatsumi entered through the front door and saw Akeno walking over to meet him

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Tatsumi entered through the front door and saw Akeno walking over to meet him.

Akeno- good morning Papa.

Tatsumi- good morning sweetheart did you have a good night's rest?

Akeno- I had a scary dream again.

Tatsumi looked at his baby girl she had been having nightmares for a while Akame had done her best to try to hinder the night terrors but it didn't always work. While Tatsumi was thinking a flashing light signal that he was receiving a holo communication he walked over to the device and press the button to receive the call. A very familiar face greeted him a girl with red hair with a warm smile. Chelsea who looked extremely different from the last time he had seen her.

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