part 10 the ones part 1

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A/Y pov

I was a little bit angry to find out I had been followed by my supposed, teammates. At first, my mind went to Sheele had she told them what I was doing or where I was going? No I thought to myself she wouldn't have bothered to ask them to come looking for me then my mind flashed back to the night before had somebody been in the kitchen listening in on our conversation and I just hadn't noticed it? That was probably more likely if you had to put money on it it might have been Najenda who had confronted Sheele she's the only one who could have ordered Tatsumi and akame to follow me. I have been the first to regain Consciousness within the world that we were in. I could feel rev sources of energy light and dark Good and Evil as if the world was trying to simply be balanced. Both Tatsumi and Akame restrained and dressed in clothes I had never seen before what was even more strange was even the clothes I was wearing even my right arm prosthetic felt completely different than what it used to. As I looked around I noticed that Akame's Teigu was gone along with my own replaced with...I don't know what it was replaced with Tatsumi still had a sword sort of it was a different kind though as the two of them slowly got up we began to realize our surroundings were a lot different than that of the surroundings in the Empire or even the place we had been in before. I watched as Akame and Tatsumi slowly regained Consciousness and got to their feet.

A/Y- where the hell are we?

Akame- I don't know but this isn't the empire.

Tatsumi- what the heck happened to our weapons and our clothes.

As we got our bearings a voice a beautiful voice came from the distance it felt so far away but yet also so close all three of us turned in unison to look upon a woman. Her skin was pale white her eyes a deep-rooted black and silver color hair ears pointed. But what I could sense from her was radiant light beyond anything I've ever felt before in my life. This person was the purest embodiment of the light I had ever seen before my life. As she looked at us she simply asked one question.

 As she looked at us she simply asked one question

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????- are you the one?

Tatsumi- what do you mean by the one?

????- the chosen one said to bring balance.

A/Y moved forward

A/Y- I opened up the gateway to come to this world but I don't know what this is nor do I know what the chosen one is that's why I'm here to find out.

The strange woman looked at me before she responded.

????- I see so you are the one that father called you must come with me.

A/Y- what about my comrades can they go back to their own world.

????- no they are trapped here like you until the time is right to send you back.

Akame- we're here with you till the end

Tatsumi- could you not say it that way

A/Y- she's right we don't know what this place is or what's going on. I'm going with her to find out what's going on and to hopefully get to the bottom of this.

 Akame Ga Kill ( The World Between Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now