part 18 darkness comes

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A/Y pov

I woke up early the next morning before the sun began to rise grabbing my pack I walked over to Sheele who was still asleep I kissed her on the side of the cheek. Telling her I'd be back later on tonight. Even in her sleep she still smiled at my kind words. As I made my way to the door a dark feeling came over me I felt as if I wasn't going to get another chance to talk to her for a long time or to anybody else from night raid. Slowly I went through the base quietly opening up doors looking in on the small family that I had made looking at everyone. I didn't understand why but for some reason I felt like the next time I saw them it would not be on the same terms. As I made my way to the front entrance I was surprised to see Najenda waiting there smoking a cigarette as usual.

Najenda- you're up awfully early

A/Y- yes ma'am I am.

Najenda- when you get back I have a mission for you.

A/Y- anything, in particular, you want me to do?

Najenda- your target is a high-ranking military police officer. His corruption will not be tolerated I want you to wipe them out tomorrow night if you can help it?

A/Y- it will be done oh when I get back Sheele and me have something to tell you

Najenda-  I look forward to our conversation when you have time I would like to see where you go if it would be all right if the team could tackle along with you?

A/Y thought for a moment perhaps it would be in his best interest to have the boss know what he was up to in his spare time maybe she might actually come around to the idea.

A/Y- you know what the next time I go out on one of these expeditions of mine I would be happy if everybody came with me. It kind of sucks to keep this all to myself I could actually use some brainstorming for a change.

Najenda extended her right arm prosthetic and I extended mine both metal arms connected and shook.

Najenda- you're a credit to the Revolutionary Army you're a good soldier and I hope that we will always be on the same side.

A/Y smiled at her

A/Y- I'm certain we will be on the same side.

We both let go of each other's arms and I was off to the ancient ruins luckily they weren't that far away from the main base so it wouldn't be that hard for everybody to come up here next time.

Akame pov dream

I walked down a dark hallway the room around me was cold devoid of any happiness it reminded me of parts of the Imperial palace namely the torture rooms but this was seemingly different. I felt the pain I felt suffering I felt Sadness that I felt the solitude for as big as the hallway and Chambers where there was no one around. Eventually, I came to a door it was Heavy made of metal the door opened up for me and I walked forward there was nothing in the room but a large tube in the middle of the room it was filled with a strange liquid I could barely see through it. The room was also empty just like the rest of this strange place. As I got closer to the object in the center of the room I began to realize that all the pain all the suffering all the loneliness came from inside the tube. Two yellow eyes stared back at me

 Two yellow eyes stared back at me

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