part 58 Operation Part 4

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Fal pov

Anakin had sent me and the troops back to the main capital of the empire to keep an eye on the minister and the emperor things have been quiet too quiet. The Troops were on edge and I couldn't blame them so was I it felt like the hammer stroke was going to come sooner or later. Very late in the night as I went up to the main level of the Imperial Palace I saw a shuttle that looked like it belong to the Republic approach the Imperial Palace. I quickly radioed one of the troops I asked him to come up with a pair of binoculars so that I could take a closer look 2 Imperial guards came close to the machine as I appeared through the binoculars I watch as a man dressed in robes walk down the  Shuttle

 I quickly radioed one of the troops I asked him to come up with a pair of binoculars so that I could take a closer look 2 Imperial guards came close to the machine as I appeared through the binoculars I watch as a man dressed in robes walk down t...

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As the cloaked figure approached two of the guards he simply raised his right hand up in a pinching motion and the guards instantly dropped to their knees clutching at their throats. I turn my head quickly to the trooper that was next to me and I told him to get everybody ready we had an intruder. 5 minutes later we went into the main part of the Imperial Palace as we walked through the corridors we ran into bodies of Imperial guards of servants their bodies bent in unnatural ways the air felt so cold in a way that I couldn't describe it was as if all the happiness all the light in the world had been sucked away. We made our way quickly to the throne room and the scene that we saw terrified not only me but the troopers the hooded figure stood in the middle of the room holding a red bladed lightsaber. Imperial guards laid all about the room some of them split from their pelvis up to their head others decapitated another still thrown against the wall the young Emperor cowering behind the throne. The minister within Striking Distance of the hooded man.

Honest- Lord Sidious we had a deal.

Sidious- what would I want with a backstabbing snake and somebody who is trying to become a rival. I have no interest in sharing my power with you.

Before the troopers or me can make a move the man called Sidious moved his hand in a circular motion the blade weaving a pattern in the air and within that brief moment of time everyone washed as the minister went to pieces. The blood-red blade deactivated Vanishing into the robes  before the man turned his attention to the child emperor moving at Breakneck speed Sidious grabbed the child by his neck and picked him up to be at eye level with him. No one could hear what they were saying but within a second tendrils of purple lightning seemed to explode from the child's body before he was dropped to the ground. In another blink of an eye, Sidious stood before the troopers and Fal.

Sidious-  Die.

Fal watch with horror as the troopers all put down their weapons Sidious raised up his hands and before she knew it  purple lightning blasted out of the old man's finger tips killing the troopers instantly leaving Fal alone with Sidious.

Sidious- I know you, little girl. You're friends with that one Jedi Air?

Fal- y....yes

Sidious kept his eyes on her there was something very inhuman about his eyes they burned with malevolent intent. But Fal could see something  Something she wanted above anything else. As if hearing her thoughts Sidious spoken to her.

Sidious- what if I told you I could give you the same kind of power she has your friend that is all you have to do is pledge of your loyalty to me.

Fal slowly reach behind her back to grab her Blaster to shoot at the old man. But then realized that what he was offering was exactly what she wanted she was mad that she'd lost her friend and didn't have the power to save her she was mad that Air had power and squandered it.

Fal- What do you wish of me what do I have to do?

Sidious smiled in a way that scared the young girl but only for an instant. She dropped her blaster right in front of the old man. Before she knew what was going on she was lifted up off the ground and then slammed into the wall and then slammed once again to be in front of the old man.

Fal- so this is how it end killed before I can't real power.

Sidious smiled at her before reaching out with both of his hands sending purple lightning into her body the pain was unbelievable. And just as quickly as the lightning has started it dissipated.

Sidious- do not worry girl I'm not going to kill you. I have something more enjoyable in mind for yyyou.

Sidious rubbed up the lightning again sending more bolts into Fal's body. In her weakened state she looked up at the old man his hooded head slightly gone back just a bit in order for her to get a better look at his face. As she looked up shock and awe was the only thing she could imagine the very person that was supposed to be an ally to The Republic was the very evil that night raid had warned her and her friends about the very man that they were supposed to trust was now the very evil that was going to destroy everything. And as the truth dawned on her she realized that what was going to happen to her was a fate worse than death. And as she realized it she passed out finally from the pain.

Sidious pov

I looked down at the young girl she wasn't Force sensitive but some experimentation might yield some results. Even if the girl became force-sensitive she would be nothing compared to him or his new Apprentice if his calculations were correct Dooku would be making the final stages of the plan. The worlds were coming together the Republic Fleet would be here in 2 days Anakin would be leaving the planet and would be participating in the war to get him nice and trained up when everything was said and done nothing would stop the Revenge of the Sith nothing would stop the Empire from being formed. Now that his business was concluded here with the minister dead his miserable Son dead and the child Emperor dead there were no problems left on this particular planet. True he could have gone with a scorched-earth policy but that would look bad on the Republic's end and if he was going to get his hands dirty he couldn't think of a better reason plus that this girl was a little bit of a nice find. Sidious reached out with a force to feel if there were any more beings that were alive that were close by apart from him and the girl everyone else was dead. With that Sidious reached out with the force and picked up Fal and with that he left.

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