part 46 path of peace plan

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Third-person pov

In the imperial capital, the head of the Empire's finance division looks down at the people of the Empire and smiles with Glee.

Nobleman- livestock livestock livestock. The only reason why these fools exist is to keep my coffers full and my stomach full as well.

As the nobleman speaks to himself he isn't aware of a shadowy figure walking into the room and unclipping something from his belt.

Nobleman- I swear the Expressions these people make is so delicious their suffering fuels me to go on.

Anakin- eliminate

Before the nobleman can even react a bar of blue plasma shoots through his back and out the other side

Nobleman- nnnnooo

Anakin- one down 20 more to go.

Just then a servant girl walks into the room.

servant girl- Master it's time for your massa

The girl is cut off when she makes eye contact with the black-robed figure standing before her.

Anakin- I don't think you're needed any longer if I wasn't in a hurry I'd take you up on your message but I'm burning daylight and I have other things I have to do. Goodbye Chelsea I'll see you soon.

Chelsea's pov

As I made my way through the large house to complete my mission to kill the Finance Minister I became aware of a smell. The smell was a burning flesh it was a smell that I would never forget. But I had to ignore it for the sake of the mission as I walked into the main room where the man was supposed to be I saw a man dressed in dark robes though his hair had grown a little bit longer it was him Anakin. His blue eyes looked into mine for a moment I actually thought I was dead that he would kill me for being a witness but strangely enough, he didn't he simply took his leave. Walking past me without a second thought or anything. With a small puff of smoke, I went back to looking like my normal self.

Chelsea- God that guy doesn't know what side to commit to is he on our side or is he on the Empire side? I can never get a read on him.

As Chelsea speaks to herself she became aware of footsteps coming from below her. Thinking quickly she transforms herself into one of the man's cats.

Wave- sir where the jaegers we have information saying that night raid is coming to your house. Due to this being an emergency were coming in.

Kurome- Wave we are too late they got to him first.

Wave looked at the body the wound in the middle of the man's chest was cauterized over the past two weeks there have been several other high-ranking Imperials in the Empire that have been killed in similar ways. There was a distinction though with some of them the wounds only went in about 5 inches in but this one was a straight-through and through as if the person who had killed the finance officer had been standing right behind him. After looking over the scene Wave and Kurome leave to report back to the Jaegers headquarters. After some time has passed Chelsea transformed back into a normal state it makes her way back to night raids base.

A few hours later at the base, Chelsea gets done explaining what happened on the mission.

Chelsea- it was obviously a trap and the jaegers were tipped off. What was weird was Anakin beat both us and the Jaegers to it.

Mine- for you to be safe in that kind of situation I'm actually surprised. And the fact that Anakin didn't kill you as rather surprising.

Just then Najenda walks into the room with a towel around her shoulder.

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