part 38 dark hand

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Akame pov

It had been a week since my battle with Anakin I never heard the entire conversation between him and Chelsea and Chelsea refuses to talk about it. It's so strange how life can turn out one day somebody's a friend and Ally the next there's something else completely. We had gone to the ruins of their old camp to try to salvage equipment but we couldn't. Anakin purposely set up explosives to make sure that if they had to leave that they would make it impossible for us to use any of their equipment. Anakin had completely changed he was in no way like the person we had once known Tatsumi sound a little bit on edge as well. Even though we were training to level up as quickly as possible I was still worried it wasn't going to be enough. Shame could feel a change in her Imperial alarm it was almost like it was losing much of its original Power though it could still operate and it still was a one-hit kill she could feel the sword slowly losing the magical powers that had been such a part of it. You could also feel a sensation as if her mind could feel things that warns clear to everyone else. This world was changing and not exactly for the better. And I was still being haunted by nightmares of massive battles in Space the Clashing of lightsabers and other things. I could also tell that Tatsumi was having problems sleeping as well. We had found the Gateway that Anakin had used to to get away but it was nothing special at least to the ordinary eye perhaps if his Teigu was put up to it the Gateway would open but for now, it was just closed. We still had the communicator that Air had but all we were getting was static. I sat at the table with everybody simply mulling things over in my mind.

Leone- Akame why the long face

The red-eyed assassin turns to look at her friend.

Akame- I'm just thinking

Mine- it's not like you to worry that much

Akame- is what the Jedi said True the Imperial arms are losing power while those that have the force gain strength?

Najenda- even if it is true it's irrelevant right now and if it ends up happening will simply recalculate our plans.

Chelsea- I'm more worried about Esdeath.

Tatsumi turned to look at Chelsea a knot was forming in his stomach.

Tatsumi- I know

Tatsumi said this in such a whisper that it was barely Audible.

Najenda- it's more than obvious that Anakin is probably not going to help us with our operations moving forward but that's to be to nobody surprise

Mine- so what's the plan then?

Najenda pops on her cigarette before she responds.

Najenda- we need to find that second Imperial arms and destroy it.

Tatsumi understood the logic of the plan but at the same time, it meant that the people who had died like bro and Sheele would remain dead and it also meant that Anakin would hunt them down to the ends of the world unless they killed him.

Tatsumi- boss even with all that in mind we don't even know where to look for the second Imperial arms?

Najenda- Anakin will lead us to the second one.

Just then the Communicator turned on the voice that sounded old Groff came over the speaker Tatsumi recognize Anakin and Tomoyo but what they were talking to he didn't recognize it was a thing that was small bluish and had wings.

???- Little Annie?

Anakin- do I know you?

???- you can't be him

Anakin picked up a piece of metal that the strange creature I've been working on with a little bit of tampering he fixed whatever the problem had been.

 Akame Ga Kill ( The World Between Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now