part 15 hard truth

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Akame dream

The air around her is so cold fresh snow had begun to fall in the imperial capital. Before her was the ruins of the imperial capital houses and buildings that have been destroyed in an unbelievable battle. Akame walked the streets that had once held so many people but now was a ghost town. She walked until to reach the Imperial Palace that looked like it had been turned into a cemetery to remember those who died Imperial and revolutionary Army alike. As Akame steps forward to look upon one of the graves it was the fresh snow covered up the name Akame didn't understand why she was drawn to this one but lifting her right hand she wiped away the snow. Sheele name was on it Akame slowly stepped away from the grave she went to another grave and wiped away the snow this one had Mine's name on it the next grave had Tatsumi's name and so on and so forth until she found all of her teammates except one. As she continued to walk she became aware of breathing it was frequent and mechanical she could hear the crunching of snow coming towards her whoever it was was tall and was heavy. Not understanding why Akame hides the breathing grows louder footsteps come closer and closer before they stop. Akame risks a glands only to see a figure Claude in all-black standing right by Sheele grave. He simply looks down at the grave for a little while before he continues on into the darkness Vanishing. Akame wakes up from her dream drenched in sweat trying to make sense of it. Then the words of Zank went through her mind he said that he would show her the Destroyer was that what he was referring to? Akame got out of bed and made her way down to the kitchen to get herself a midnight snack as she got closer she heard the sound of running water as she turned the corner she saw that A/Y was just getting something to drink he too was drenched in sweat apparently he wasn't sleeping well either.

Akame- A/Y are you ok

A/Y turn his head quickly to look at her he had a worried look on his face as if his mind was thinking of different possibilities for one particular scenario.

A/Y- I'm fine

Akame could tell that it was a lie she hated how he hid things he always kept people at an arm's length.

Akame- it's your dreams, isn't it? You think that something horrible is going to happen and you're trying to think of a solution that's why you're not sleeping well isn't it?

A/Y looked at her his blue eyes showed nothing but sorrow and weariness and undisguised pain.

Akame- we're your friends we can help you.

A/Y- there's nothing you can do to help me Akame. This is a battle I have to fight by myself.

A/Y turns to leave the kitchen but before he goes Akame grabs his right arm prosthetic and for the first time Akame called A/Y by his real name.

Akame-  Anakin I'm your friend but if I had to guess what was bothering you it has to do with Sheele your dreams are about her?

Anakin looked back at her amazed that she knew his real name but also amazed that she cared about him in the same way he cared about Sheele.

A/Y- yes

Akame let's go of his arm he takes one step forward before stopping.

A/Y- Akame I will do everything in my power to keep my wife alive. I'm more than willing to pay any price to keep her safe.

Akame watches as he walks away into the darkness. She couldn't help but feel an unbelievable amount of dread. Things were changing in ways that she didn't know what the outcome would be. The next morning Tatsumi was out by the graves of his two friends I walk out to tell him that it's time to make breakfast.

Akame- what are you doing its time

Tatsumi- I'll be there in just a second. Hay Akame what did you see when you where under the control of Zank?

 Akame Ga Kill ( The World Between Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now