part 37 home coming

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Anakin pov

I laid in my room the med droids had reattached a new prosthetic rather than the gold and black that had once formed my prosthetic right arm I instead replaced it with Durasteel. The metal was Far stronger. I had also taken to modifying my lightsaber and going over the battle that I had with Akame she was getting stronger it was no surprise though through the force I had felt Mine had been there as well. The only reason why I was alive was because Mine couldn't get a clear shot at me. After the shot had missed I quickly had retreated back to the base and informed everybody that we had to jump to the world Between Worlds quickly we had all packed up the bass with our necessary supplies. Before leaving we blew up the bass to make sure that none of the equipment or any of the resources that we had could be used by night raid. I was happy that I was back at the Jedi Temple I was able to begin my studies with other Masters. Obi-Wan Kenobi along with others were helping me with my studies. The three girls were all so happy that everybody was safe but they were also amazed at what they were seeing they finally understood what I was fighting for. But unfortunately, Air had told me that it was her who told night raid about what I was doing and had gotten Chelsea inside the base. Tomoyo had explained to me the situation I couldn't be mad at Air to be fair I had been able to sense Chelsea's intentions however it didn't make things any less frustrating. I had told her that I wish to be alone at least for the time being so that I could find my peace. Air had taken the hint and had left me alone. I talked with Master Yoda about what had transpired back on my world. He simply asked me to meditate and seek guidance from the force. I can understand and even agree with what he was saying however I wanted to do something more than just walking around the temple. For many nights I've been having dreams dreams of somebody I didn't know what they meant I could see a woman who looked old and tired. As I walked around the Jedi Temple I made my way into the Jedi archives a massive Storehouse of information. I couldn't say that I particularly liked the archivist an old woman who couldn't help but stick her nose into my business where it didn't belong.

Jocasta Nu- are you having a problem Padawan Anakin?

Anakin- no I'm just trying to look for information on gateways and other planets that have them.

The old woman looked down at what I was looking at before Reaching her Hand and typing in something on the data terminal.

Jocasta Nu- the planets that have such gateways are located somewhat off-world

Anakin- according to your own record that used to be such a Gateway below the Jedi Temple.

Jocasta Nu- yes the ancient Sith Temple that this Temple is built on top of. It was destroyed centuries ago. But it's best not to worry about such things the Sith along with their teachings have vanished.

Anakin could feel that the old woman was going to go through a rant and Anakin wasn't particularly interested in hearing her history lesson.

Anakin- thank you master for trying to help me

As Anakin got up from his chair as he hit one of the key search engines on the data terminal all of a sudden the map of the Galaxy focused in on a portal on a Backwater planet called Tatooine. Anakin looked at the readout of the planet. Anakin turns his head to look at the chief librarian.

Anakin- master what do you know about this planet?

Jocasta Nu- I know that it's controlled by the Hutt cartel. And that people who want to disappear go to that planet. It's a desert planet it's very unforgiving.

Anakin looked at the data screen before getting a small bit of the information and heading off collect the relative information if there was a Gateway there he might as well see what it is. And something about the planet made him feel nostalgic but not in a good way. Anakin ran down the corridors of the Jedi Temple hoping to get back to his room to go over the information as he rounded a corner  he saw Obi-Wan and Tomoyo approaching is quarters apparently they wanted to see him.

 Akame Ga Kill ( The World Between Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now