part 32 trade off

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Tatsumi pov

I felt like shit from the night before Not only was it from watching the Jaegers completely Slaughter an entire Village of people opposing the empire. But I also saw A/Y and his soldiers assess the Jaegers. What was their end game what were they truly after? Then there was the whole thing with esdeath I don't think I've ever felt more awkward in my entire life. There was no denying that she was beautiful but behind that beauty rusted an absolute monster. The more I talk to her the more I realize that she had an extreme view of the world. That they were only the weak and the strong and those who are strong had the right to rule. From a dark practical sense, I understood where she was coming from but the Revolutionary Army was fighting to free everybody. These questions swam through my mind as I made my way to the Jaegers meeting room as I turned a corner I saw a very familiar Brown robed individual. He was walking in the opposite direction.

A/Y- good morn......oh God you look like shit.

Tatsumi stared at his one-time comrade the way he acted was so strange but then again he was probably keeping up appearances.

Tatsumi- she spooned me all last night.

A/Y looked at me wide-eyed for just a little bit before he burst into laughter.

A/Y- hahaha at least she didn't freeze your... You know

Tatsumi looked at him somewhat annoyed and somewhat pissed how could he be acting so cordial. As if nothing actually happened as if he hadn't betrayed the Revolutionary Army. Rather than escalate the situation Tatsumi simply responded.

Tatsumi- well if you'll excuse me I have to go.

A/Y put his black glove hand on Tatsumi's shoulder stopping in from walking past. Slowly A/Y reached into his robes and pulled out three devices and bent down to whisper in Tatsumi's ear.

A/Y- take these keep them secret keep them safe one of them is for Akame.

And without even batting an eye the three objects are placed into my hand.

A/Y- I'm certain you'll make the Jaegers proud in any case best of luck to you.

And without another word, he walked in the opposite direction not even looking back. Tatsumi looked at the three objects he was holding in his hand one of them felt unbelievably familiar but at the same time felt so alien. He decided that it would be better if you just simply pocketed the equipment for later. Tatsumi turned to enter the Jaegers's main meeting room.

Tatsumi- time to put my best foot forward.

A/Y walked down the hallways of the Imperial Palace him and his troops along with his Padawan we're all moving out. There was no reason for them to stay any longer than they had to. His troops would be able to cover more ground if they operate outside of the Imperial Palace they had the technology in order to keep one step ahead of the danger Beast. And with another Gateway thousands of kilometers away they also could operate independently and get more technology Tomoyo hadn't taken that long as soon as she had received the order the soldiers all snap to attention and quickly closed down everything taking every piece of technology every weapon and starting to load it up. It would take them a few days to reach their destination on the very very outskirts of the Empire's territories. It had been nice to see Tatsumi again at least he looked well all things considered giving him a communicator plus his lightsaber and Akame's lightsaber might be seen as stupid however I foresaw a future where he would need it. The communicator that A/Y had given to Lubbock also might come in handy. As A/Y enter the catacombs Fal is helping one of the soldiers load some equipment onto a Speeder bike the young blonde-headed girl turns her head in A/Y direction.

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