part 39 a Jedi's path

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Tomoyo pov

There was still so much about the force I didn't understand there were things about it that even my own Master didn't understand. I always had questions for her some she could answer others she seemed extremely hesitant about answering. Eventually, my curiosity led me to talk to Obi-Wan Kenobi. To my surprise, the Jedi Master was extremely accommodating always greeting me with a smile. Ever since I had gotten accepted to the Jedi Order I had always been praised by my Master's for my power my high midi-chlorian count. Apparently, I was on par with Master Yoda with the same kind of power. That was until Anakin showed up there was something about him he's unbelievably strong connection to the force caused me to develop a little bit of envy. When he originally came his prosthetic arm was replaced I collected blood samples to get a mini chlorine count. His power and potential was beyond Master Yoda's or mine for a brief moment I felt myself give into my envy and rage How could somebody like him have so much power what was so special about him? But then I remembered my training and I let go of my regret and envy. I had felt a great disturbance in the force the night before after seeing the gate I had felt the cold of the dark side. Anakin had come back with the body of his mother they were going to bury her early the next morning. Anakin stayed in the basement fixing the gear shift on the Speeder bike that he had borrowed the night before. I walked down to the basement to bring in food.

Tomoyo- I brought you some food I hope it's to your liking.

Tomoyo could tell that Anakin was doing everything to keep himself from breaking down.

Anakin- I remember my childhood I remember my mother. Before I went to the other side I promised her that I would free her.

Anakin looked over at Tomoyo

Anakin- why did she have to die? I know I could have saved her if I had just been here a day early a week early.

Tomoyo- there are some things that nobody can fix. You're not all-powerful Anakin

Anakin- well I should be one day I will become the most powerful force user I'll even learn how to stop people from dying.

Tomoyo could feel the dark side coming from Anakin she had to figure out why and calm him down before he lashed out.

Tomoyo- Anakin what's wrong?

Anakin walked to a corner of the room and lifted up his hands and just looked at them and a very broken Voice he spoke.

Anakin- I....I killed them all

Anakin turns to look at Tomoyo his eyes taking a more colder stare but on the verge of tears.

Anakin- and not just the men but the women and the children they were like animals so I slaughtered them like animals....I HATE THEM.

Anakin laid back on the wall until he sat down on the floor. Tomoyo looked at him the dark side that had been ready to burst was now disappearing deep inside Anakin's soul. Tomoyo crouched down to be at eye level with Anakin.

Tomoyo- to be angry is to be human.

Anakin- I'm supposed to be a Jedi I'm supposed to be better than this I know I am supposed to be better than this.

Tomoyo felt her heart skip a beat this man who wanted so badly to free his people and be part of something bigger than himself admitted his faults openly. Tomoyo had been part of the Jedi Order ever since she was a child she understood the concepts of love and hatred and attachments but was it really so bad that they were forbidden from them? Anakin would always struggle with his emotions for the rest of his life but was it wrong for her to want to help him? She decide within an instant that no matter what happened she would be by his side and that she would be the rock to hold him in place. No matter what form it took no matter what happened in the future she would be there for him.

Tomoyo- I'm here for you Anakin.

Tomoyo wrapped her arms around him and held him clothes to her. You could almost feel his pain melting away. Anakin looked up at her his blue eyes looking into hers. There is a force they shared a connection and then instant they understood but the roads they were going down there would never be any going back.

Back at the Jedi Temple

Air practices with her lightsaber weaving interpret patterns which to the naked eye she was a blur but seen Through The Eyes of the floors one could very easily see the combinations of form 5 lightsaber combat. The form works for Anakin but it wouldn't work for her she would focus on form 6. Fal and Luna stayed close by to them I was moving so fast that they couldn't keep up. Fal looked distracted as if something was weighing on her mind. At times Air could feel jealousy coming from Fal and perhaps she was jealous and perhaps there was something to worry about. But ultimately she just missed it if she was really bothered she would say something, wouldn't she?

Fal looked at her friend with so much Envy she had asked the Jedi to test her blood she had a small connection to the force but it wasn't enough to be considered a Jedi. Fal inquired if there were surgical methods in order to increase her power the Jedi had shunned her saying that trying to manipulate nature was a crime against nature. Fal had waved it off. If she ever was given the opportunity to gain power she would take it without question. Fal looked at Air and in a very dark voice she said.

Fal- one day I'll have power that surpasses yours friend

Luna looked over at her friend and could see such a dark look in her friends eye

Luna- Fal are you ok? You look mad

Fal looked at her friend

Fal- I'm ok I'm just distracted.

Luna- what's bothering you?

Fal- I have mild for sensitivity and all I need is a little bit of an extra boost and I could be the same as Air. But the Jedi say it's a crime against nature that I should be happy with my lot in life. I know it's not her fault but everytime I look at Air I get so mad.

Luna- I don't have the force either and I'm happy that we have each other I'm happy that we're not alone.

Fal looked at Luna she knew that she was right she wanted to believe that what she was saying is right but at the same time she couldn't help but still hate. She knew that she could do far more with the power if she had it. As she was thinking a cold sensation went from the base of her back all the way up to the base of her skull. Something was going to happen something horrible or something great she could feel it her life and her world we're going to change forever.

Author's notes

Not the best chapter I've written but certainly it was something anyway happy New Year everybody hopefully 2022 will be better than 2021

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