part 29 bookstore

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Two weeks later

Tatsumi pov

I made my way through the marketplace the city seems to be in an uproar because of what happened about 2 weeks ago. Apparently a sex trafficking ring got completely wiped out in the course of an entire limb night the leaders and their bodyguards. There wasn't much evidence that the imperial police could go off of since the establishment they were in burnt to the ground. It was all strange and rather terrifying. I made way to a book store in the front was a very familiar green-haired man.

Tatsumi- yo

Lubbock- hay

Lubbock motions Tatsumi to follow him into the store. The two make their way to the back of the store Lubbock releases of the panel which reveals a secret tunnel in the store.

Lubbock- be careful heading down

Tatsumi- wow this place really does give off a secret base kind of vibe

Lubbock- right? I'm very proud of it

Tatsumi- but you didn't make this did you?

At the two made their way down Tatsumi ran into a very familiar blond

Leone- hay there Welcome to our secret Capital base.

Tatsumi- aren't you a little bit too relaxed?

Lubbock- ok down to business Mine is officially on the wanted posters now which means the three of us are the only ones who can move about the capital.

Tatsumi- I thought I would be on the wanted posters to since people saw me on that ship

Lubbock- I thought about that too but apparently, nobody can work all the events that happened so I think you're safe for now.

Tatsumi- also the word all over town is about this new police force calling themselves the Jaegers. That's all anybody's been talking about recently. And then there was that sex trafficking ring that got completely wiped out in a night. People say it was us but I think it was somebody else.

Lubbock- I heard about that too the problem with the Jaegers is that Esdeath is their leader and that makes things complicated she's a dangerous woman.

Tatsumi- how dangerous is she?

Lubbock- you really have no idea? Some years back a tribe had raised the banner of rebellion against the empire. Originally it seems like it was going to be an easy win the tribe's 3000 versus the Empire's 10 thousand. But the tribe ended up being far more trouble than the Empire originally thought not only did they have to contain with the danger Beast that were in the area but they also had to deal with the tribe that attacked them during the night eventually the Empire got so desperate that they dispatched General Esdeath and General Najenda even though they were young they had distinguish themselves as great Commanders. In one day they put down the rebellious tribe they slaughtered them all Esdeath took great pleasure in making them suffer and stoking the Flames of rebellion it was also around this time that Najenda began to question her loyalty to the Empire.

Tatsumi- but wasn't it foolish for her to plant the seeds of rebellion and hatred in those people that she let live.

Lubbock- that was her plan she wants rebellions to pop up all over the place so she can still continue to get her kicks on the battlefield for the rest of her life.

Leone- hahaha thank God I listened to my instincts and didn't go after her otherwise I would have been just one more number on her list of people she's murdered.

Lubbock- yeah but you ultimately picked a fight with somebody just as bad if Tomoyo hadn't been there it could have ended very badly.

Leone- true but things worked out differently and I got a new friend out of it as well.

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