part 56 operation part 2

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The next couple of chapters will all be coinciding very close to the same time they will all converge at a point.

Lubbock and Akame story

Lubbock ran through the tunnels along with Akame killing any Imperial that they saw. For some reason, Lubbock could feel that the end of the war was coming near that tonight would be the night. Not only would they remove a corrupt religious leader but something else was going to change to. He couldn't put his finger on it he just knew. The two could feel the rumbling of the structure above them the battle had already started as long as the Lord stayed alive the path of Peace could reach out and provide hope and guidance to the people along with the religious uprising against the corruptness of the empire. As the two assassins ran down the quarter their bodies felt heavier as if the gravity of the planet was changing Akame didn't seem to phase by it. As the two kept running Lubbock looked at his friend.

Lubbock- hay Akame

Akame- what is it?

Lubbock- is it just me or does something feel very off about this whole mission?

Akame- off in what way?

Lubbock- I feel like we're being pushed in a certain direction. Like something is guiding us all of us towards a certain point.

Akame- we got this Mission from Rebel High command.

Lubbock- I know but don't you think it's a little bit too convenient that all the big players are here and not in the capital?

Akame had to stop and think for a second Lubbock was right the Jaegers night raid even Anakin all three groups were here away from the imperial capital. Even though great General budo was still at the Imperial Palace as far as she knew there was no one else in the Empire all the big major players were here. Then the realization dawned on Akame

Akame- its a trap

Lubbock- so you see it too we've been completely shut out from the imperial capital and even if we left right now we'd never make it in time to stop what's probably going on over there.

Akame- we need to finish our mission here and meet up with the others.

Minutes pass on the clock as the two-run eventually they see their Quarry him and a guard. Quickly they hide in the shadows waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Bolic- we need to go quickly

Guard- what about the lord?

Bolic- if I'm correct in my assumption that old man is going to kill him very soon.

Guard- you're just going to leave the Lord to die?

Bolic- everything's going to die it's over with the darkness has finally come.

The guard went very quiet for what felt like minutes within that time Akame and Lubbock made their move. With one slash of her Teigu, Akame cut the arm of the Guard killing him instantly. Bolic back away slowly from the red-eyed assassin.

Bolic- you can't kill me it's not my time.

But Bolic words were cut short at Lubbock used Crosstown to wrap around the man's neck hanging him from the ceiling.

Lubbock- well that was completely easy.

Akame- we need to rejoin the others.

As the two start to run down the hall Akame looked down at her Teigu the blade was beginning to rust and disintegrate. Memories start to slowly return to Akame of another world of training that she had gone through previously. The word that the father had said we're now coming to pass that when the worlds combined she would regain the memories that she had from that world.

 Akame Ga Kill ( The World Between Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now