part 54 Mez abduction

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Mez pov

The revolutionary spy killed Sten by launching a spear into his guts and unraveling it and ripping his heart to pieces. He had Talent there was no question about that but he was still no match for me it didn't take long for me to use my incredible speed to burn my way through his defenses before closing the distance to him.

Mez- you actually managed to defeat Sten I'm quite impressed the ministers going to be so pissed at us.

Lubbock- you don't have to worry about that because now that you've seen my Teigu I can't let you go.

Mez- there's no need to apologize were both assassins after all.

As the two were getting ready to go for another round they heard footsteps very heavy footsteps approaching. Mez and Lubbock turned to face a hooded figure that stood behind them Lubbock knew instantly who it was without having to ask.

Mez- another revolutionary Soldier my night keeps getting better and better.

Anakin- I've been instructed to give you an offer Mez.

Mez- how do you know my name?

Anakin- I make it my business to know the potential allies.

Lubbock- Anakin what are you up to?

Anakin- not that it's any of your business but the a republic senator has asked me to recruit one of the four demons to join the Republic military.

Mez- can I kill him and then give you an answer?

Anakin looked at her with a somewhat dumbfounded look before lifting up his left hand towards his mouth.

Anakin- shoot to stun she's going to be difficult.

A voice came back over a radio frequency before a light blue energy bolt struck Mez in her chest dropping her instantly. Lubbock watched as two Soldiers  walk out. Quickly they picked up Mez's body and began to carry it off. Eventually, it was just Lubbock and Anakin alone in the Darkness.

Anakin- your mission is complete my friend I think that Najenda will be pleased with the results two of the demons are taken out.

Lubbock- two of them are taken out how do you know that?

Anakin- call it a healthy intuition on my part anyway I don't know about you but I could use some food.

Anakin turns to walk away before Lubbock calls out to him again.

Lubbock- Akame told us about the girl that was with you I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

Anakin- it's not your fault it's mine as a leader I have to take responsibility for all my losses.

Lubbock could just barely make out a hint of sadness in the man's voice. As A/Y continues to walk away Lubbock called out to him one more time.

Lubbock- hey Tatsumi's having problems with his right arm prosthetic do you mind helping him out?

Anakin- out of everyone I knew in night raid you always were a good friend. I'll help him out but there are some things I have to take care of first before I go.

Before Lubbock and say another word Anakin Jumps nearly 60 ft in the air landing on one of the rooftops and running at top speed.

Lubbock- I wonder why he's in such a hurry?

Imperial Outpost 7 near the path of peace was a nonchalant place the soldiers there took very little to no care for the facility. But with General esdeath being so close by the soldiers were on a new heightened alert along with the four demons being so close by their parameters had changed. Rather than being lazy like they normally would be they instead were terrified that nitrate could invade them at any time. But on such a night like any other night to guard State close to the gates watching waiting for anything and anyone.

Guard 1- God the shift is so fucking boring I could use some action right about now.

Guard 2- be careful what you wish for it might come true

Guard 2 had been at the imperial capital when one of the night raid members have been killed the one they call Sheele he had been the first to the prison / Imperial barracks after the massacre plus he had seen an Alleyway that have been very close to the scene and what it happened to for soldiers he remembered their bodies have been ripped to pieces mangled and what could only be described as unbelievable rage. Rumors have circulated that it had all been done by one man he didn't know if the rumors were true or not but what he had felt in that Alleyway what it felt in the barracks/prison I've been one-word pure evil monsters rage. As the guard remember to the situation he became aware of a cloaked figure walking towards them.

Guard 1- halt who goes there?

The hooded figure kept walking as if he hadn't heard them the two guards lift their weapons.

Guard 2- in the name of the empire we order

That was as far as the men got in his statement before a dark blue blade materializes in the man's right hand and before either one could react both men were slapped across the chest. The first guard died immediately from the slash the second one knew he was bleeding out internally. He looked up at the man is he threw back the hood revealing a man with dark brown hair and deep-rooted blue eyes who nonchalantly stepped over their bodies as he walked in simply staying to himself.

Anakin- what a pity they didn't even really see it coming.

And to the man's credit, he was right neither guard had seen the lethal intent behind the man as he entered the base. And with that realization, the second guard succumbed to his injuries.

In the path of peace is Main Headquarters Count Dooku watches the hollowfeed as this boy butchers the Imperials all of them try to put up a fight but they were nothing compared to the boy. His speed his strength his ferocity Dooku widened his perception with the dark side of the force in order to gauge the boy and was rewarded with the fact that he could see an internal struggle fearsome lightning striking inside of him the boy was half a Sith and he didn't even know it. Now he understood why his master was interested in such a promising young pupil Dooku surmise that the boy probably had a high midi-chlorian count not to mention his lightsaber skills were on par with perhaps his own. Dooku watched as the boy decapitated Imperial soldiers left and right slammed others to the ground crushing their bones he eventually got to the bases Commander and rather than just impale him on his lightsaber the boy reached out and choked the life out of him. The Teigu on Dooku's desk began to Glow it was getting close to the time where he can enact the final stages of Sidious's plan soon this planet would be part of the Galactic Republic and thrust into a war that would end with the Sith ruling the Galaxy. Not only would it be the end of This World's Magic but it would be the end of the Teigu as well.

Dooku- all is as the Force wills it to be but I might as well have some fun with that boy before I leave the planet.

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