part 24 A plan

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Tomoyo pov

Anakin poured all of his free time into his studies of the Galaxy that I and the others came from studying maps of the known Galaxy. I had to admit that he was an extremely fast study not only on Military procedures and his lightsaber combat skills but also on knowledge of the Galaxy itself he asked us to constantly test him on Blaster deflection information about the Galaxy and so on and so forth and on Military procedures everything he couldn't learn from us he learned from other masters at the Jedi Order when he went through the gateway.

 I had to admit that he was an extremely fast study not only on Military procedures and his lightsaber combat skills but also on knowledge of the Galaxy itself he asked us to constantly test him on Blaster deflection information about the Galaxy a...

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While at the same time he spoke to us about this planet and its inhabitants and the uses of magic and powerful Teigu that existed on this planet. He also told us about the danger beasts creatures that didn't go down easily as me and the others had found out. This man was not like any force-sensitive I've ever seen in my Galaxy most force sensitives were stoic and holier-than-thou people but he acted like almost a regular human being. Because of the size of the portal and what he could and could not bring in was very limited it was only me and the men that had volunteered and a small bit of mechanics from our galaxy such a speeder bikes and other such things. Today we'd only managed to bring in a few things to set up a temporary command station below the Imperial Palace above nobody, not even the emperor was permitted to come down here just us and the minister. One day after the Anakin came back from an outing into the city he contacted the Jedi council seeking wisdom and I was called into the meeting.

Anakin- Tomoyo it time

Tomoyo- I know

We both walked to the portal and stepped through instantly time and space passed between us and we were back in the Jedi temple. If the 1st 1゚ this was Obi-wan Kenobi

Kenobi- Anakin Tomoyo it's good to see you again. How is your mission going to find the second key?

Anakin- it is slow going master I believe the minister is trying to drag things out.

Kenobi- are you certain of your accusation?

Tomoyo- we have no direct proof as of yet.

As we were talking to master Obi-wan we became aware of an older gentleman just beyond the doorway who looked at us with extreme interest. Before I could say anything the older man walked away.

Tomoyo- master why is he here at our temple?

Kenobi- he speaking with other masters today war is probably coming.

Tomoyo- I don't like him I don't like the way he looks at us.

Anakin- Who are you two talking about?

Kenobi- supreme chancellor Palpatine of the Galactic Republic. He's what you would call an elected leader you haven't had the chance to meet him yet, have you?

Anakin- No I can't say that I have.

Tomoyo- We should go master Yoda and master Windu are waiting for us.

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