part 50 Life or Death

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Bols pov

I destroyed my Teigu to get away I think I covered enough distance I didn't know. The only thing I really did know is that I need to regroup with Kurome and Wave hopefully they were okay they were capable as far as soldiers went so I'm sure they're fine. I think back to the first time the Jaegers formed and the time that we spent together I wish we could go back to a simpler time. When did everything become far more complicated than it needed it to become? And then there was that red energy beam that destroyed my Teigu what was it and who was the one who had taken the shot? It didn't come from night raid it came from someone else or at least that's what I thought.

Bols- hopefully, the general Can Shed more light on these events.

As Bols continue to walk forward he could hear the sniffles and tears of a small child close by. As he kept moving forward he saw the small girl leaning against the tree sniffling and crying.

Bols- oh dear this is terrible what's wrong.

The young girl slowly lifts her head up to look at Bols


Bols- I'm not a ghost don't worry don't worry.

Bols notice a small cut on the young girl's leg. Moving quickly he grabs his field kit and takes out bandages and begins rapping the young girl's leg.

Bols- don't worry the pain will be gone soon and then you'll be all better.

Girl- thanks, mister.

Bols- don't worry about it.

Bols Smiles underneath his mask this small little girl reminded him so much of his own daughter and just like his daughter the young girl wraps her arms around him giving him a nice hug that warmed his heart.

Girl- but mister that place you burned you can't heal that.

Before Bols can react a needle Pierces his lower neck in an extremely vital area. In a puff of smoke, the young girl transforms into a redheaded woman.

Chelsea- that girl just now was from a village that you burn to the ground. Because they were suspected of aiding the Revolutionary Army. You've burned so many people that I  guarantee that you don't remember everyone that you've killed.

In one motion Chelsea pulls the needle out of Bols's neck.

Bols internal thoughts- I always knew that one day I'd receive punishment for what I've done but still.

Bols tries to crawl away thinking of his wife and daughter as he crawls.

Bols- I have to return home my girls there waiting for me I have to

But it was too late the damage had been done Bols breathed in his last breath before collapsing and dying. Chelsea leaned up against the tree pondering to herself.

Chelsea- honestly fighting between the two worlds those who fight on the battlefield and those who fight in the background. I do want this life to end and start something new.

Chelsea opens up Gaia foundation and quickly disguises herself as Bols. She had one more Target and that was it once she eliminated Kurome her mission would be complete. Chelsea barely makes it a hundred yards before running into Lubbock and transforming back into her normal self to talk to him.

Lubbock- good to see that you eliminate your target before they ran away but then again I would expect nothing less from you Chelsea.

Chelsea- I'm going after Kurome before she reunites with Esdeath.

Lubbock- Chelsea that's extremely dangerous and it's not like you to be overly Reckless like that.

Chelsea- I know but if we miss this opportunity she'll come back with eight more puppets that could be more dangerous than what she released against us today I don't want to take that chance. Lubbock head back to base tell them what I'm doing have Tatsumi or Akame or somebody else that isn't injured that can help me.

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