part 34 the Gathering

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Anakin's pov

It was early in the morning Air Tomoyo Obi-Wan and me we're using practice Sabers for lightsaber combat to onlookers the blade seem to go in and out of existence to us though the world seems to go slow. I was rather amazed at how quickly Air had come to learn all of her skills perhaps the Jedi would consider having her become a Jedi like me and to become a citizen of the Republic alongside me. I could feel her impatience she wanted to actually have her own weapon her own lightsaber she had already constructed the hilt all she needed now was a focusing Crystal but it was rather hard to come by those and I wasn't exactly ready to go that far but I knew in order for her to Advanced as a Padawan she would have to gather the materials. As I was thinking Air jumped into the air and came down with a hard strike putting me on the defensive I quickly blocked and try to Preston attack putting her on the defensive my attacks were more based on my physical strength and my strength in the force while hers were built completely on speed I could appreciate that though. Kenobi and Tomoyo looked at us from the side as they did their own practice fight. It was almost time we would be switching partners and I would be fighting Kenobi and Air would fight Tomoyo.

Air- you're slowing down master

The girl said as I came down with a more crippling blow pushing her practice saber well into her defense causing it to graze her arm a quick shock caused her to let go of her weapon as it fell to the ground.

Anakin- slow and steady wins the race young one.

Air extend the right hand the push out with the force though it wasn't powerful it was enough for me to be pushed back Air extends her left hand and grabs her Practice saber. The weapon flies straight into her hand and she quickly does a backflip to get some distance from me. I go to my more powerful strikes. As The Duel moved on danger Beast came out from the woods we look at the new predators that had just appeared. Tomoyo and Kenobi stopped what they we're doing to look at the threat that was now moving towards us.

Anakin- oh this should be fun

Anakin toss the training saber to one side and Drew his lightsaber the blue blade hummed but before he can make a move Obi-Wan puts a hand on the man's shoulder and whisper something to him. Quickly Anakin deactivates his lightsaber and begins focusing his powers in the force Air watches in amazement as Anakin and Obi-Wan use the force to drive the danger beasts away not freaking tear but leaving because they weren't interested.

Air- every time I feel like I'm getting closer to they're level both of them show me that I have so much left to learn.

Air felt a hand on her shoulder.

Tomoyo- the path of the Jedi is never truly complete the more you think you understand the more you understand that you know nothing our life is a never-ending quest to understand knowledge and understand ourselves.

Air looked at Tomoyo she was wise Beyond her years it was so surprising no way. As Air looked on as Anakin and Kenobi made quick work from the top of the clearing Chelsea disguised herself as a bush to keep an eye on Anakin and his young student. She couldn't believe the amount of speed and strength that both of them seem to share. It was at one point extremely interesting and also at the same point extremely terrifying how the two seemed the playoff each other's strengths and it didn't appear that they had any weaknesses. Anakin the man she had met so many years ago that completely changed not just physically but mentally as well. She is remembered their first meeting as if it was yesterday how they had both basically walked into a trap set by the Empire how both of them had escaped with their lives how Anakin had lost his arm. The charm that she carried what's a small momentum of that time but that time had passed. Chelsea observed as she saw the small girl go up to Anakin and ask him a question.

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