part 35 a past revealed

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Air pov

Me and Tomoyo sat at the table with night raid listening to my masters past the good and the bad. I listen as they told me about how he was married to a member of night raid named Sheele how she was killed along with his child how in his anger after her death he slaughtered people without a second thought at the Imperial. He defected from the Revolutionary Army to join the minister in a scheme to combine the world Between Worlds to bring our world to a new Galaxy in hopes of bringing back his wife. It was so crazy I couldn't believe it I had never known this part about my master I had never known his loss. Him defecting from the Revolutionary Army wasn't exactly true he still was working for the benefit of the people however his methods didn't sit well with the higher-ups.

Akame- that's everything now you both know the truth.

Air- I never and my two friends were saved by him. We owed him our lives he took us in without question. The person you described who slaughter those people that doesn't sound like him he wouldn't kill innocent people.

Tomoyo- Anakin's a good man he wouldn't do the things that you're saying.

Leone- I know you want to think of him as a good person. But he has a horrible Dark Side to him that stays hidden just beneath the surface.

Air- I just can't see that in him

Tomoyo- he's made great strides in becoming a Jedi he's not that same person I know him.

Najenda- I understand that the both of you want to see the good in him but it doesn't change the fact that he has done some questionable things. We in the Revolutionary Army need some clarity are we still fighting for the same things?

Air- you people want to kill him?

Tomoyo and Air looked at everyone.

Najenda- we have no interest in killing him we have every interest in trying to work together to bring about a change for this nation.

Air stayed quiet and looked down at the ground. Chelsea walked up to her and drop down to one knee to look the young girl in the eyes.

Chelsea- I've known Anakin longer than anybody here he was once part of my team. I understand what you're seeing in him he's loyal to the people he cares about. But that being said we would like to clarify as much as we possibly can.

Everybody looked at Chelsea even though their expressions remained blank they were extremely surprised that she was willing to go to such lengths to try to deceive her. Tomoyo could feel the shifting currents of the force even though this girl was trying to deceive Air it was coming from a good place.

Air- you promise you won't hurt him?

Chelsea- yes I promise.

Air- Tomoyo what should I do?

Tomoyo- this is going to have to be your choice and your choice alone I have my own opinions on the matter but that ultimately is yours. I have already made my choice as it stands.

Air thought for a moment before she answered.

Air- what you're asking me to do is betray my master's Trust that he has shown me. You're asking me to put my life in danger and the lives of my other two friends.

Akame- if you're worried we can protect you.

Tomoyo- the bond between a master and an apprentice goes deeper than you know. I know for a fact that Anakin wouldn't hurt Air or her friends.

Air- Anakin's given me a purpose something to live for he's giving me skills I would have never gotten from anywhere else. So it's hard for me to take what you people are saying at face value.

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